Excepting the center-rear plants and two epiphytes (Lowes), everything sourced or created locally.
Substrate: rock (found and cleaned), charcoal & dirt (made myself)
Contents: Mosses, dead and alive, green onions, tiny pine trees, purple hearts (swiped for the gas station trimmings), driftwood (found hiking and canoeing, power washed), reindeer moss (not quite visible)
Lighting: Thrift store light with various grow bulbs, still painting and assembling. Not thrilled with the color, can’t get the high color-fidelity (CRI) grow bulbs I’ve used before, had to mix it up best I could.
Animals: Nothing so far, but I want to pack it with detritivores like millipedes, springtails and roly polys. Wife is getting me a chameleon, probably tonight! Not sure how to keep the bug population going with him in there. Ideas? Rocks to hide under? I may also get a Pac Man frog.
It’ll be way cooler and different in a year. Just put the round, green moss in, hasn’t settled naturally, stuff like that. The pines will be worked over as bonsais, some stuff may die or turn out inappropriate, wood may move around, etc.
Latest terrarium, work in progress, used from thrift, front doors open.
Excepting the center-rear plants and two epiphytes (Lowes), everything sourced or created locally.
Substrate: rock (found and cleaned), charcoal & dirt (made myself)
Contents: Mosses, dead and alive, green onions, tiny pine trees, purple hearts (swiped for the gas station trimmings), driftwood (found hiking and canoeing, power washed), reindeer moss (not quite visible)
Lighting: Thrift store light with various grow bulbs, still painting and assembling. Not thrilled with the color, can’t get the high color-fidelity (CRI) grow bulbs I’ve used before, had to mix it up best I could.
Animals: Nothing so far, but I want to pack it with detritivores like millipedes, springtails and roly polys. Wife is getting me a chameleon, probably tonight! Not sure how to keep the bug population going with him in there. Ideas? Rocks to hide under? I may also get a Pac Man frog.
It’ll be way cooler and different in a year. Just put the round, green moss in, hasn’t settled naturally, stuff like that. The pines will be worked over as bonsais, some stuff may die or turn out inappropriate, wood may move around, etc.