Clarification: I mean a person who has actually been dead for a while and suddenly they’re alive again

    2 months ago

    As others have stated, you’re still going to have to define dead, and you’re going to have to define the question of what happens. I suspect up may not actually have any specifications for either and are just having fun thinking up and about random shit (that’s not a dig; I share this hobby).

    But for the sake of further discussion, let’s add a few more specific (but non-limiting) questions just to help the discussion along.

    I’m going to exclude cases where they’re already deeply buried or cremated because the obvious answer is “stay there” with the exception of a purely magic related situation where their body just spontaneously recorporeates somewhere? What would be the social consequences to that, how would people react, and what would happen to any property they left behind? This actually raises a lot of other questions related to the social dynamics such as:

    • how would the people immediately around them react.
    • what proof would people need to believe it?
    • are they still on the hook for their student and medical debt
    • would it likely start a new religion and how would the existing religions feel about it from most to least happy?

    There’s also some physical questions such as how much skin, muscle, brain, and other organ breakdown would have occurred and which part would have the most damage.

    There’s questions about whether or not they’re likely to have experienced something spiritual (including what we DO know about near-death experiences like the commonality of a peaceful feeling or spiritual experiences.

    I gave no great answers to any of these and additionally encourage others to ask similar hypothetical details to ask about.