The crusade against bright headlights has picked up speed in recent years, in large part due to a couple of Reddit nerds. Could they know what’s best for the auto industry better than the auto industry itself?
I’m a new driver who drives sometimes, and when I do it’s with my grandfather’s old car. It is a problem. I don’t care what reasons you have to suggest they’re better, if I can’t see fcking anything at night when a car drives past me, that’s a problem. I want to be able to see pedestrians, I want to be able to see if an animal is in my way, roadsigns, literally anything I need to see and I genuinely can’t do that. It’s blinding and that’s not an exaggeration
I’m a new driver who drives sometimes, and when I do it’s with my grandfather’s old car. It is a problem. I don’t care what reasons you have to suggest they’re better, if I can’t see fcking anything at night when a car drives past me, that’s a problem. I want to be able to see pedestrians, I want to be able to see if an animal is in my way, roadsigns, literally anything I need to see and I genuinely can’t do that. It’s blinding and that’s not an exaggeration