I have an early 2000s house and they went wild with a) the sheer number of wall switches and b) the number of 3-way switches. I want to replace a good number of them while accepting my wife’s requirement that they look and function as dumb paddle switches when necessary.
I’ve looked around and these seem to be the best at fitting all of my requirements but Mama Mia, the price 😭 😭 😭 😭
Anyone have some suggestions?
Zoos is good. I have a bunch of them.
I have some Zooz relays and can also recommend. There are also two options, you can either get the zooz switches which replace your current switches ( https://www.thesmartesthouse.com/collections/light-switches/products/zooz-800-series-z-wave-long-range-wall-remote-zen37-800lr-battery-powered?variant=40387548938303 ) or the relays ( https://www.thesmartesthouse.com/collections/z-wave-relays/products/zooz-700-series-z-wave-plus-dry-contact-relay-zen51 ) that you install in the box behind your existing switches.
Our house has some fancy switches downstairs so I went with the relays for the few switches I wanted to automate. One thing to note, it’s not always easy to fit the relays in the box, if there’s a lot of spare wires in the box, it can be sort of cramped.
Yep. This fits. Another endorsement for zwave, too
To make it better they’re on sale right now!
Why’d you do this to me?
I can’t be the only one to suffer a rapid decrease in liquid capital…
I also have loved Zooz and Z Wave. Definitely easily to use.