I really don’t get the issue with kWh. Things are rated in W and we mostly care about the hours they’re powered on. If I wanna figure out how many kWh a PC that needs 300W used in 4 hours, I multiply 30*4. If I wanna know how many joules it used, I have to do 300*4*3600. Only one of those can be done in your head in 3 seconds.
I really don’t get the issue with kWh. Things are rated in W and we mostly care about the hours they’re powered on. If I wanna figure out how many kWh a PC that needs 300W used in 4 hours, I multiply 30*4. If I wanna know how many joules it used, I have to do 300*4*3600. Only one of those can be done in your head in 3 seconds.
You gotta use an escape character, specifically a backslash ( \ ), when dealing with *s on lemmy.
Otherwise you end up with “stufflike this!”
When it could have been “stuff*like this*!”
ETA: Damn, you’re good. Fixed it before I even finished this post!