I am of the age to have kids, some of my friends have them, but I have mixed feelings about it, just wondering about other people’s experiences.
And also, no.
Long before I was diagnosed as being autistic and having ADHD, I knew that I would be a shitty parent. I’m often wrapped up in my own world and busy doing my own thing, and that doesn’t work very well for relationships, and considerably less well for raising a child.
I have cats, I have a spouse. That’s enough.
Yes, I have kids. No regrets. It definitely gave me a different perspective on life in ways that I could never had experienced in any other way.
No one is ever fully ready for it. It’s not comparable to anything else, so it’s basically impossible to reach the decision to have children in any logical way. It’s a leap of faith. I thought of it as something that I had to do in order to experience as much of life as I can while I can. It’s been well worth any amount ofmoney or time that I’ve spent on it. I’d do it again if I was ten years younger.
I have one kid. Don’t really want a second one. No fucking regrets he’s a swell dude, he’s smart as fuck and has a gentle heart that just warms my soul. Also thanks to modern schooling he’s got some amazing psychological skills like identifying his and others’ emotions, processing them before reacting, etc… Coming from a stupid family that’s shit i learned to do in my 30s and he was already working on it at 3. That’s stuff he won’t need to power through with weed and alcohol in his 20s i guess.
Sure the world is considerably more shit now than it was when he was born, which is dumb because he’s only 6. But hey the world was shit before and every time period brings its own brand of anxiety and uncertainty. With kids you learn to take things day by day and not dwell so much on what you don’t control. You have to accept the universe on its own terms, that’s the whole point of psychological and philosophical integration after all.
No kids and will not have kids. I have nieces and nephews that I enjoy spending time with and they satisfy any desire I might have. I have an uncle and aunt that are 85 and don’t look a day over 65. They never had kids and are some of the happiest and healthiest people I know.
Have kids. The only regret is the world we brought them into. Wouldn’t trade them for anything. But we have many fears about tjeir future. We still thought the world could be saved with recycling and buying efficient cars. Dubya was an anomaly. Things would return to their boring 1990’s progression. Not anymore.
Climate change is essentially unstoppable at this point, the only choices are how bad it will be. Politics globally seem to be shifting to right wing populism, nationalism, fascism. Good luck if your kids aren’t straight, white males. Economically the system stopped making sense. Worthless companies worth billions. Billionaires with private space programs. A new gilded age with widening disparity. Companies literally paying homage to the new “king” hoping for some kind of investiture or favor.
I’m a woman, and absolutely not. This world isn’t going to be viable or have any positives for non-rich-as-fuck people, and I certainly can’t give that to a baby. There isn’t any more points to procreate - humans made sure of it.
We wanted kids, tried to have kids, but things never seemed to work out. So I went to see my doctor and they ran some tests. First test we found I had no sperm, so they did more tests, turns out I barely have any testosterone at all, but absolutely tons of estrogen. More tests, this time a genetic one. Turns out I have kleinfelter syndrome, which if caught early enough there are things that can be done. But at my age that boat has long since sailed.
It’s been an interesting couple of years. I started TRT injections at the beginning of the year. And my life has taken a complete 180, turns out you really need testosterone for alot of things. And your body reacts kinda funny without it.
Adoption seems our only choice, but she doesn’t want a kid if it’s not hers. So… Yea
That makes me wonder, how did it influence your life? Ive never heard of what a lack of testosterone can do
don’t. just don’t.
No. No. No.
As you seem curious about the opinion of others I suggest reading research literature on the topic as it is probably better structured than a list of anecdotes from complete strangers. That being said in here at least you can dig deeper by asking questions back.
Anyway there is a field called the science of happiness that aggregates research in psychology, cognitive science, behavior science, economy, political economy, etc on what makes most people happy. Within this there are papers on relationships, family and raising kids. I warmly suggest reading on the topic. Last time I did read on it, which was a bit more than 5 years ago, one could roughly summarize that raising children brings for most people higher highs and lower lows. If your kid brings you a beautiful drawing from school, no matter how “ugly” it might look, you will be so proud it will brighten your day. On the other hand if they break their leg while cycling, you will feel even worst that if you broke your own leg. So… on average people feel about as happy with and without kids BUT the way they feel can be more intense.
I warmly recommend https://ggsc.berkeley.edu/ and https://www.drlauriesantos.com/happiness-lab-with-dr-laurie-santos-podcast to discover more on the topic. Specifically in your case https://greatergood.berkeley.edu/parenting_family
I love my kids so much that it’s changed my whole life. They have given value to my life that didn’t exist before, they made me grow and it’s an incredible experience to watch them grow. They made me happy, worried, scared, bored, proud and angry like nothing else ever did.
I often envy my brother, who has all the money and time in the world to do whatever he wants, but I secretly pity him as well, because he lives like a grown-up, self-centerd child without true responsibilities and all his toys and holidays feel meaningless to me.
I couldn’t recommend this to anyone but it is a true magic happens outside the comfort zone-experience that will never go away.I do want kids. I’m getting up there in age though, and I’ve been single for a while. The man I thought I’d be having kids with turned out not to be the right one, and dating is hard now
I think I’ll be very sad if I end up without any kids, but I’m not willing to have them with just anyone.
no kids, do not want kids. I can hear the feral beast within my soul howling for mortal progeny to raise, but you can actually just set that to mute. its really easy
I can’t reach the mute button, managed to get the volume just low enough I can only hear it in the quiet times.
I do not have kids.
I do not want kids.
I do not regret it.To be fair, I get the perspective makes sense from a biological/evolutionary perspective. But if I had to understand intuitively or from how I feel, I don’t get why anyone would want kids.
I do not have kids. I do not want kids. I do not regret it.
Would you like them in a house? Would you like them with a mouse?
🤔 i like the idea of kids, but i am worried that I’ll accidentally pass down all my traumas to them by trying hard to avoid it.
Also, i have voiced this before many times and i always get told “that just means you’ll be a great dad,” or “you know what not to do so it’ll be fiiiine.”
Idk. I can be convinced, for sure, but right now i think it’s not the best idea for me to have them.