I know there was some schism and moving of instances, but beyond that I can’t deduce what happened/is happening.

  • spujb@lemmy.cafe
    2 months ago

    Correct. Nevertheless the neopronouns incident was something of a catalyst; all the “differences” had to do with trans issues in some way, and it would be amiss of me not to point out the biggest moment that made 196 come out in support of Ada and Blahaj.

    Their other “differences” are also bogus in my opinion:

    In their “sorry” post, Moss cites this:

    For example, 2 months ago, Kolanaki reached out to us via email and said they were banned from 196 for “playing the victim” and asked us why we banned him, but we didn’t. Moss talked to them and realized that the ban was unjust after reviewing the comment he was banned for. If he had never contacted us, we wouldn’t have known about the ban, and they would have still thought we banned them.

    I don’t know about y’all, but this sounds like a successful ban appeal to me. I would rather have a few little mistakes like this, ones that can be corrected with an apology, than hundreds of comments harrassing users based on their gender.

    Much love to Ada!