One of my favorite AI image apps is promoting Elon Musk today. Have uninstalled and left a 1 star review explaining why. Is there a site or someplace where people are keeping track of all these companies that are supporting the new Nazis?
One of my favorite AI image apps is promoting Elon Musk today. Have uninstalled and left a 1 star review explaining why. Is there a site or someplace where people are keeping track of all these companies that are supporting the new Nazis?
I’m curious – what’s the remaining 1% not-vegetarian part?
Battery-farmed kitten.
I bet it’s bacon. The siren song of sizzling bacon always drags me away from vegetarianism in the end.
Nah bacon doesn’t even smell good anymore. The closest I get to pork is jackfruit lol. Cooked up with BBQ sauce it makes a reasonable pulled pork sandwich replacement. Even my meat eating friends enjoy it.
The other 1% is meat I hunt, fish or raise myself. It’s rather rare exception and happens only a few times a year.
When I was younger on a rare occasion I might try something that a friend or family member raised or hunted, but I’ve found people will lie about that so I usually just pass.
In the last decade (not counting fish & hunting) I’ve known the name of every animal I’ve eaten and I or my partner slaughtered it. Nothing goes to waste. Pelts and skins are kept, organs are fed to the house pets and what we can’t eat or preserve goes to the garden.
I misread that at first and thought it included wild animals.
Which made me think of a moose eating your turnips and you glaring at him and saying “uuuu, Ricky, when I catch you Ricky…”
You’re chill, that’s a good way to be. I wish I could raise my own livestock, mostly for milk/eggs.