Half of the time I look forward to my death, it doesn’t scare me since I don’t see the real point of my life, what scares me is if my agony would be slow and painful.

But then what? I just stop existing and it’s like I fell asleep? Do I see light? Darkness? Nothing? What is nothing?

  • Dorkyd68@lemmy.world
    1 month ago

    Our soul is weighed against a feather by the holy mother. Not like Mary or whatever, the real all powerful 5th dimension all is one in time and space holy mother.

    If our soul tips the scale against one’s favor then you are reincarnated… you’re reincarnated into tge sane family however the dynamics keeps changing each time you’re born. You’re sister might be your brother next time and you’re a wife in one life then maybe a fatherless uncle in the next. Anyway once we achieve enlightenment, we are given a choice, stop the cycle or keep going