Maria End
Id use my real first name but then disguise my identity by using johnson as a last name.
Dixon Cider
My last name is a gemstone that is already used by strippers/pornstars often so I would probably keep that as the second part of my name but come up with something funny and/or masculine sounding for the first part since I’m a straight guy and not a female stripper/porn star.
Fuck it ill go with Dick Diamond.
Gives you a opportunity for great catch phrase:
“I’m as hard as a diamond” “Dont bite this diamond” “This diamond performs under intense heat and pressure”
I have used all of these and more accompanied by a goofy smirk. My girlfriends have not found it as funny as I have. Haha
“Diamonds are forever” and “Diamonds are a woman’s best friends” are interesting catch phrases too
Gregor Samson
Al Dente: the perfect balance between soft and hard.
Chadwick Cockburn
Huge Ackman
Buzz Killington
Mickey Mouth
Hugh Jdisappointment
Jasmine Mourningwood, and i would be a goth femboy, (so only a little change)
Bukkake Bill
Tom Bots