The game is Metroid Zero Mission, this is the first time I beat a Metroid game, so I decided to start with this one.
I should mention that I used save states and rewind to get the hardest items, but hey, I don’t have the time to master all the games I play ¯_(ツ)_/¯
I’ve beaten most of the older Pokemon games, DS and 3DS included, all on the SteamDeck.
I put ~40 hours into Pokemon Unbound (FANTASTIC Pokemon game, I highly recommend it!!!), and beaten it. I’ve also recently gotten the Pokemon Sword and Shield Ultimate Plus rom hack downloaded, and will play through that once I finish the other mainline games. I might make a pitstop into Pokemon Emerald Seaglass, as I just ADORE the art style of that game.
DefJam Fight for NY, King’s Field 4, Custom Robo, Legend of Zelda Minish Cap, Legend of Zelda A Link to the Past, Legend of Zelda Oracle Series. All of them beaten on the SteamDeck, with achievements from RetroAchivements!
I have never been as happy as I am with the SteamDeck. Fantastic retro gaming device! :)
I appreciate you telling me about Pokemon unbound
I got a modded gameboy advance that I’d love to get this going on
How are you playing Nintendo games on a steam deck?
Emulators that were installed through Emudeck!
This is so nice, ngl, I crave for a Steam Deck (they don’t officially sell it in Mexico… We are so far from the USA right?) but I want it to get working with my old PC games backlog, indies, and well emulation.
I don’t see myself emulating older systems with it though, I feel it is too big and I’d rather save that power for a tinier handheld, but yeah, if you have one Steam Deck, you objectively don’t need anything else.
Zero Mission and Fusion are top tier GBA games! Absolutely love them
Yeah, many GBA games aged quite well.
Awesome! My first was Samus Returns on 3DS and I heard it isn’t the best to start with. I’ll try this one!
Why isn’t the best one?
I didn’t play the others to say it for myself. People have said exploration is more organic on the other games of the series.
I liked the gameplay but I disliked the mechanic of having to beat an arbitrary amount of bosses to unlock the next area.
first time and 10 Hours? Thats neat, now get it sub 2 Hours :)
I really took my time didn’t I?
I loved to back track on my own (when I was not lost).
Learn from my childhood with trying to 100% Metroid Fusion.
There’s an item in a section of the world that explodes on a timer, and you can’t return to collect it later so you end up stuck with a 99% complete file. ☹️
What the hell?
No save point before the end!?
Thankfully we have save states nowadays 😃
I didn’t know I had missed it until I had already saved past that point
Nice! Yeah I did a couple of runs on pokemon and some mods too. Fun times.
I recently made the mistake of buying a Metroid game on a platform that lacked save/rewind. I have no idea what I was thinking.
I’m sure I’ll finish it someday on an emulator.
“Hasta la proxima mission!”
Si mi amor! 🤣