Perhaps I’m the one who misread. I took OP’s comment as saying working for a foreign company with no presence in the US while living in the US. On a second read, that might not be what they meant.
Perhaps I’m the one who misread. I took OP’s comment as saying working for a foreign company with no presence in the US while living in the US. On a second read, that might not be what they meant.
Because money keeps getting deposited in your bank account every two weeks and you’re not reporting any income.
Banks hand all of that information over.
So, instead of selecting the better of two bad options (according to you), you chose the worse of two bad options. And that’s supposed to make some sort of point?
Do I shoot myself in the foot or the head? The head, that’ll show em!
X to doubt.
I am so surprised. Who could have possibly foreseen that the party of grab em by the pussy, whether women like it or not, and project 2025 would be hostile and antagonistic towards women.
Absolutely shocked and flabbergasted.
Then she’s going to keep getting challenged by security until she clips the damn badge on the damn dress.
Lol I don’t understand. So when you get hired somewhere, you just shake hands and go to a desk and start working? You don’t sign any employment contract outlining role responsibilities, compensation, NDA, expectations, background check, bank deposit information, tax information, etc?
I don’t believe you.
I don’t give a shit about that. OP misused a Picard quote. Completely unacceptable.
Quote taken completely out of context.
The context is that a partial descendant of an enemy species (Romulans) was the victim of a witch hunt. He was half human and a starfleet officer. He had lived in the federation his whole life.
A real world equivalent example to that would be banning Americans with Russian ancestry that were born in America and lived in America their whole lives from contributing.
That is not what’s happening here. You are arguing in bad faith. Picard would be perfectly fine with preventing Romulans in the Romulan Empire from accessing/modifying sensitive technology.
My dude, we’re talking about remote work office jobs. Not some random under the table shit.
Huh? All jobs come with an employment contract.
I guarantee that nobody is surprised by this. This was a fully intended consequence.
Ya, sure. Have fun with that legal battle versus amazon.
Getting fired with cause doesn’t come with severance and looks bad on a resume.
They don’t give a shit, unfortunately.
It’s a hamfisted rationalization. Not an explanation.
Would you care to explain how friendship can exist between two people, if one of the parties has absolutely zero interest in the other?
That’s not friendship.
That’s a lot of words to rationalize total disinterest in the lives of people OP claims are their friends.
Indeed. OP basically outing themselves as a self centered narcissist.
I’d call it a load of bullshit.
Nah. Being cheap is a frustrating personality trait.
Source: obsessively cheap, penny pinching father. Just pay for the damn nuggets like a normal person.