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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 10th, 2023


  • Yes, my husband was on the suspended list in our county for years, despite us owning the same home since 2013. He’d even fill out the little address verification card and send it back, stating that the location on record was still valid. Didnt matter, because every single election he would still pop up “suspended” at the polls. He had his TDL, and he’d have to fill out an extra form, but he’d be allowed to vote.

    This year, I decided enough was enough and we put our house up for sale, because once I leave Texas this time, I’m not coming back.

    I contacted our county registrars office to get our VUIDs so I could update our new address at our rental, and we found out he just…didnt have a VUID? They had no record of him voting in Texas at all…yet he’s been able to vote with a “suspended” status with his TDL for years now…living at an address he hasnt deviated from since he originally registered in Texas.

    Honestly, I think he was just finally removed since he’d been in “suspended” so long 🤷‍♀️. Im unsure if it was a legit mistake, or if some genuine fuckery was going on.

    But we’re all gucci now. Both confirmed registration again back in September. Awaiting 21 Oct with bated breath!

  • No one is advocating for abortions at 8 months unless the women’s (or fetus’) life is in some kind of danger.

    Why on earth would a woman put up with the absolute hell that is pregnancy for 8 months, and then just wake up one day and decide “Meh, nvm, Im not actually all that into it” completely unprompted?

    It makes no sense and it doesn’t happen. At 8 months, numerous appointments have happened, a nursery of some kind has been put together, baby showers have been had, names have been picked out, vices of all kinds have been foregone (not just alcohol/smoking, modern women give up stuff like lunchmeats/fish/coffee) etc.

    If a woman is getting an abortion at 8 months, something went very fucking wrong, and it’s a tragedy all around, so we shouldn’t add the stress of navigating legislation on top of all that.

  • Bruh I got into such an intense argument with my parents because I defended the BLM protests. They came at me hardcore for “violence” and “destruction of property”. I asked them what the hell protestors were supposed to do to draw attention to their cause, and they told me that they would have respected a “peaceful protest”.

    I then pointed out the fact that Colin Kaepernick’s career still hasn’t recovered, and that they themselves haven’t watched an NFL game since then…so no, they wouldn’t. My dad then of course whipped out his favorite “insult”: “Fucking Liberal”, and then proceeded to tell me that I have no respect for the flag.

    The inability for them to think critically is absolutely astounding.

  • …if you go to Pahrump, NV where prostitution is legal, those women are independent contractors who set their own prices and can turn anyone that they don’t feel comfortable with serving away. Additionally, clients must use protection AND the women have police on a panic button if anyone gets out of hand.

    Compare that to the women who prostitute themselves illegally and are subjected to all the dangers of rape, abuse, and murder.

    I used to think like you. While I was researching a paper I was writing (arguing against the legalization of prostitution mind you), I ended up at a completely different conclusion. My conclusion did not support my thesis and I wrote it that way.

    Open your mind a bit, and see that legalization protects EVERYONE (except prudes I guess)

  • Truth, I’ll go back and edit it to say “want”. It does seem extra dark with the way its written.

    But also, yes, there are a lot more things that society can do to make women feel safer and cared for when having children. And women who do want and choose to have a child should do so with comfort and support, because their body is literally making a human being - which is awesome, even if it’s not for me.

    It’s just, here in the US, and red states specifically, maternity and infant mortality rates are fucking abysmal considering the level of Healthcare were supposed to be provided. It’s unfortunately even worse if you’re a WOC. I’m not sure what maternal care looks like in your neck of the woods, but hopefully better then here.

    But I’ve been just…not materially inclined ever since I was a kid. I’ve never really felt the draw for it, and luckily found my husband whose cool with that.