You’re entitled to your opinion. Is there anything else you’d like to say?
You’re entitled to your opinion. Is there anything else you’d like to say?
Your inability to deal with loss is what will inevitably hold you back. You chose to argue, and you lost. You won’t get a stomach ache from swallowing your pride, but you will isolate yourself to a sad echo chamber if you choose to block and sedate everyone and everything that hurts your feelings.
May you have a nice day as well. You should try not to take things so personally. If you’d like to learn how and when you use Abbreviations and Acronyms you can do so here: https://owl.purdue.edu/owl/subject_specific_writing/journalism_and_journalistic_writing/ap_style.html
Acrynoms aren’t words. Your argument is moot.
The basics of human communication is nothing important at all. 🤡
“No one knows what the heck dae means you lazy bum. We invented words for a reason, try using them. If you’re illiterate then maybe try a YouTube video essay. “
If someone said that, sure… but no one did. Perhaps the Original Poster needs to take communication more seriously and less personally.
If you wish to be understood, choose your words more carefully. If you wish to be treated with kindness, drop the defensiveness, learn to process feedback objectively, and take communication seriously. No one is being unkind or unreasonable here, except you.
“One thing Mozilla does have going for it is a lot of money—more than $1 billion in cash reserves, according to its latest financial statement. The primary source of this capital is Google, which pays Mozilla to be the default search engine on the Firefox home page. Those payments, which started in 2005, have been increasing—up 50% over the past decade, to more than $450 million, even as the total number of Firefox users has plummeted. In 2021 these payments accounted for 83% of Mozilla’s revenue.”
You mean the nonprofit company that is dependent completely on a contract with google to stay solvent? Ya, firefox will definitely never be pressured by google… Bruh
Moved to Maine and literally everyone was white.
Beseen internet chatrooms, ICQ, every website was someone’s personal project, they just made it for fun. Yahoo messenger pool games and online chess. Php message boards and the communities that formed around those.
The early internet was so slow that everything was text based. Talking to other people was the primary form of interaction and nothing was really monetized. Everything was just there because it was nerd shit and people found homes, and communities, and belonging. It was real world values on a screen, not the influencer driven, 30sec video affiliate links shallow, corporate conglomerate that it is now.
That’s why I appreciate the fediverse. It feels like real people just playing with technology and talking to each other.
Google pixel for the following reasons:
Smart insights via Google assistant:
Bill due soon reminders via Google assistant. It can read my email and remind me of upcoming bills, their amount, who it’s too, and when it’s due. Sends a notification to the phone.
Finance watchlist notification: at the end of each market day it will send me a notification just showing me how my watchlist performed for the day
Call screening, business calls, spam, and robo
Hold for me feature.
Phone trees visual
Visual voicemail - live transcripts
Google translate:
Live translation of audio
Translate any sign or text via Google lens
Search visually via Google lens
Google assistant integration in the phone. Call and text people, reduce volume, paused audio, set volume, google search, turn on flash light etc. You can control features of your phone with your voice. It’s fantastic.
It’s a really smart, smart phone.
Roku devices and fire sticks belong in the recycle bin.
I switched everything to Apple TV .