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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: October 15th, 2023

  • I like the idea of not yielding semantic authority to fascists. Like here in Germany, I’ve seen (minor) shitstorms over the phrase “to each their own” (“Jedem das Seine”) because the Nazis put that on the gate of Buchenwald concentration camp. But the principle of “suum cuique” goes way back to ancient times and is a central tenet of our legal system. So why should we let Nazis dictate what the words we use mean?

    That said, they coined a whole bunch of expressions that are rightfully frowned upon to this day and I have no issue with that kind of criticism. I’ve never felt the need to label anyone’s relationship as “racial shame,” for instance.

    Just my two cents.

  • Maybe CO should just straight up hire Mr. Huhtala if they lack the in-house acumen to produce the insights he provides in this outstanding article. That said, they might already know everything he describes in his blog post and might simply have run out of time to implement the improvements. In that case, the likely culprit would be pressures from management and/or the publisher to release now, ahead of the important Christmas season. Whatever the case may be, delaying the game would have been the right call. I remain cautiously optimistic but will keep waiting to purchase the game.