Excellent reporting on the trials: https://www.bigtechontrial.com/
CEO @ Mojeek No-tracking indepdendent search engine
Excellent reporting on the trials: https://www.bigtechontrial.com/
We’d love to build a distributed search engine, but it would be too slow I think. When you send us a query we go and search 8 billion+ pages, and bring back the top 10, 20…up to 1,000 results. For a good service we need to do that in 200ms, and thus one needs to centralise the index. It took years, several iterations and our carefully designed algos & architecture to make something so fast. No doubt Google, Bing, Yandex & Baidu went through similar hoops. Maybe, I’m wrong and/or someone can make it work with our API.
We have submitted a PR to the Open WebUI repo, which would enable Mojeek: https://github.com/open-webui/open-webui/discussions/6588