• 2 Posts
Joined 3 years ago
Cake day: November 9th, 2021


  • 100 infantry on the frontline is a lot riskier than support personal on an aircraft carrier nearby.

    In a ballistic missle exchange, air defense is the front line.There is literally a term for it: SEAD

    Any THAAD system will be a target when Iran responds to whatever lunacy Bibi concocts. And, as THAAD systems have to be operated by American military personal, that will mean that American military personal will die by a legitimate military action by Iran.

    Seriously, I don’t know how this isn’t clear.

    You apparently don’t understand the meaning of the phase ‘bad faith’. Not that it would matter, as I’m literally responding to your points. You just don’t like them, so you ignore them.

    The country of Israel is younger than my still living father. To imply otherwise is to ignore all recent history, and the terrorism that was allowed to create the modern state of Israel. A nation, I might add, that has little to do with the indigenous populations. This bullshit of generations is either bad faith attempts at propaganda, or ignorance bordering on criminal. My father is older than this country.


    This is the literal reason I called your statements propaganda. I’m quoting them here since you seemed to miss it the first time, and ignored the point.

    Time is linear. Ignoring the rogue state actions that the Iranian RESPONSE was a response to is such a bad faith action it has to be propaganda. You can make anyone look good, if you pick the right starting place to tell a story. Not recognizing that that is a classic propaganda strategy is a education problem for you

  • Jesus fucking christ… Why does everything that anyone disagrees with “propaganda”? Why can’t it be someone with a different fucking viewpoint? What the fuck is wrong with people on Lemmy that we can’t discuss something without it being “obvious propaganda” or some other bullshit?

    Time is linear.

    Ignoring the rogue state actions that the Iranian RESPONSE was a response to is such a bad faith action it has to be propaganda.

    You can make anyone look good, if you pick the right starting place to tell a story. Not recognizing that that is a classic propaganda strategy is a education problem for you.

    Not everything is black and white. There is room for disagreement on parts of this conflict. I don’t agree with the US sending troops of any kind to Israel and I think we should stop giving them weapons until they stop committing genocide.

    Again, time is linear. That is absolutely black and white.

    The only point I was trying to make is that it doesn’t seem like a massive escalation to send 100 troops and a defensive system when we already have 50,000 troops, many war ships, two nuclear aircraft carries, and a ton of aircraft in theater already.

    There is a big difference between being in that theater and putting american troops that you know will be a priority target that will be killed if Iran defends itself against another Israeli attack.

    I repeat, there is a reason this wasn’t given to Ukraine.

  • It’s putting 100 US military personal in place to operate a legitimate military target that will be one of the first things targeted.

    We didn’t give this to Ukraine, despite them begging for it, because of the implications of US military personal potentially being killed by Russia.

    Seriously, to the people acting like the obvious next step to ww3 is no big deal, what happened to your critical thinking skills? Do they go out the window, along with any anti war sentiment, when a Democratic president is in office?

  • It’s funny how you have literally nothing to say except for how complicated it is. Not, you know, why it is so complicated. Just that it is.

    You have also explicitly and presumably intentionally not engaged with anyone pointing out that literally every president of my lifetime except for Trump, and I think Clinton, has already done what you are claiming with ZERO evidence is far to complicated to do.

    You’re the one making an extreme statement that requires extreme evidence to hold up. All of your responses that don’t have that are just intentional bad-faith gaslighting.

    I have no idea why you are doing so, but it isn’t a stretch that it is to provide cover for the government using those weapons to commit genocide.

  • I just scrolled through three months of your posts while waiting for my wife to wake up, and had to stop cause that is boring as hell. Ugh. Not doing that again.

    I found a single critical post of Israel when they intentionally killed the American woman in the west bank. But you didn’t acknowledge that they lied about it before acknowledging it, or that or was obviously intentional.

    That is it. Now, I didn’t go the full year, so maybe there were comments before that.

    I did find out about the Futo keyboard though. So thanks for that.

    Also, just a heads up, Thunderbird for android has inserted trackers. The ui of fair email isn’t as nice, but at least it isn’t tracking you.

    And yeah, ‘say it ain’t so’ about Neil Gaimen. Why is it so hard to not be a scumbag?

    Also, the movie tusk was horrible.

    … Just out of curiosity, and not a pointed question like the Rhodesia one, but how do you feel about New York City/State?