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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 2nd, 2023

  • I’ll read these. I trust haarets.

    Blaming the condition Gaza is in on Israel and only Israel is giving Gaza no responsibility for anything, and makes sure nothing changes for decades. Can Israel do better, yes? Is Israel at fault for everything wrong with Gaza? Definitely not. Free palestine should be a call to get rid of hamas. That’s the first step towards any progress. Israel used to be under pressure to fix things with palestinians. Now there is none to reach out to. This plays to the hands of our shitty fanatic and religious government as well as hamas. The extremes gain power and support in these horrible situations. The Palestinians, not hamas, and the people of Israel, not the settlers or the fanatic religious extremists, they all just want a peaceful two state solution. They don’t want war, they don’t care about the occupied territories (other than a means to ensure security). Gaza should have been an example of how the Palestinians take their destiny into their hands. They were not supposed to have an army, that saves money for what is really needed. They could have had infrastructure, they could have had a real, functioning country. Instead hamas took power and kept them as refugees. Hamas made the place a prison,not Israel. What did hamas expect Israel to do after the October 7th attack?? They done care about their own people, they hide behind them.

    I’d one thing is clear after the attack, is that we cannot live as neighbours with hamas. Not sure what the solution is, but a ceasefire is to hamas a means to prepare the next attack.

    I hope we get rid of our government very soon, but this time a sane, pragmatic, secular, or left wing leaning government hasn’t got the option to reach its hand in peace. There is no going back to pre October 7th world.

  • Slave labour? Where do you get that?

    Relatively labour from Gaza, yes, how is it forced??

    If your answer is they have no other option, then how is Israel to blame?? Israel left Gaza and this is what it became - a terrorist playground. It could have been a developed country with all the Quatar money. Instead all the money was invested to make the place into one gigantic military facility, and enrich the hamas leaders.


  • This particular government is the worst we’ve ever had. It was chosen by Netanyahu, who, you might be surprised, isn’t at all a fascist, barely right winged. He is an opportunist. He took control of a mid to right winged party, one that made peace with Egypt. He realised his only way to gain votes (and later to get out of prison) was to outdo the right winged parties and ‘steal’ their voters. This made him good friends with the ultra orthodox and extreme right wingers. His party has become him, anyone still in his own party are idiots and imbeciles, none of who can operate a gevernment. Netanyahu is the scum of the earth, he has a government made of the worst our country has to offer. He is changing the laws and the governing system to get out of jail and become another Erdoğan/ bolsonaro /Putin, and just stay in power forever, stealing money from everyone as he has been doing for decades.

    And idealist right winger would at least have a plan other than to save his own career and money while destroying the country and its institutions.

  • Israel voluntarily got out of Gaza, it would be suicide to go back, both temporarily (as is done now) and of course permanently.

    The amount of money spilled from all over the world into Gaza could have made it a beautiful paradise, or a second Tel Aviv.

    People there are refugees because hamas is happy with them being refugees.

    Israels government are a bunch of criminals, but not for anything to do with Gaza. It’s an impossible conflict in which the only winners are the extremists on both sides who use it to show the world how there is no other way than force. Hamas justifies hiding under hospitals by saying that’s the only way to defend themselves, the corrupt, incompetent, extremist, Israeli government now want to blame the 2006 government for leaving Gaza and by that bringing this assault upon them.

  • Love it! Exactly my sentiment.

    Linux was definitely my hobby twenty years ago, loved solving problems, getting everything to work exactly as I want it to. I actually found some great solutions to problems arising from using old hardware (will never forget the many hours/days/weekends I’ve spent without ever managing to get ir remote to work).

    It was exciting and interesting and fulfilling.

    Twenty years later, I still meddle with things, I would have loved to have that sort of time on my hands, but I don’t. I did find a distro that was absolutely perfect for me out of the box, it used debian as a base, which is what I know, very light and works great with older hardware (bunsenlabs in case you’re interested).

    After a few years of bliss, It didn’t like the versions I needed for software I wanted to use for my hobby - which no ‘regular’ user would be interested in by the way. There was no update for a while, I got fed up, and blamed myself for not managing to use some solutions that manage installing multiple versions of the same software for use by different programs. Gave up and installed Mint - the most vanilla distro, no street-cred, but should just work, right? Well, not really. I’m sure npm and other three letter tools can help, I just don’t know how to use them.

    I still love bunsenlabs, the perfectly intuitive shortcuts. I miss openbox and i3, and miss using keyboard-only 98% of the time. I even miss my old 13ish year old x220 and x230 which run fast enough to be my main laptops, only to be replaced recently for some reasonable battery life. I hope I’ll manage to get things working again (will only try in a few months, after accomplishing something I’ve been trying to do for a couple of years now but couldn’t because I couldn’t get the software to work up until now). I also hope bunsenlabs come out with a new version for me to install by then, it was bliss, something that just worked perfectly (including bluetooth, dual screens, sleep, wake up, audio, everything a windows computer is expected to do.

    This is too long for not saying much, but one last thing : New laptop t14 Installed linux mint - everything seems to be working fine. Installed windows 10 - had to connect to wired network to download lenovo drivers for WiFi!

  • Unless it requires a different version of node.js that cannot be upgraded as it requires an older version of some other software, but cannot be upgraded because that other software needs just that particular version and will stop working if you dare upgrade, so you choose to upgrade anyway, so your package manager refuses to upgrade anything now because you broke something just to get that new software to work.

    I love linux, and until recently used it exclusively on my own computers, I know all/most of these are solvable, but as a long time novice who’s sick of fixing these things, it’s a real life scenario.

    I currently choose between upgrading my browser (which refuses to load several accounts as long as it’s not upgraded) and software I use as a hobby which won’t work if I let synaptic package manager fix whatever it deems broken.

    Currently using windows almost exclusively for day to day work, and dual booting mint for one single purpose. Hating windows with a passion while doing so but life is too short to fix dependencies…