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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: September 27th, 2023


  • Your reply got me thinking about some variants of market socialism I read about in undergrad, the names of which I can’t recall.

    Generally speaking, artificial scarcity in its myriad variations would be abolished in sectors of the economy that are directly tied to housing, food, non-cosmetic medicine, and other categories directly tied to the UN declaration of human rights.

    Said abolishments, legislative, executive, and judicial purview of the sectors in question would be decided by direct referendum votes of the citizenry, instead of representative vote. Representative legislature would be voted in a ranked-choice format instead of “winner-takes-all” balloting.

  • Westboro Baptists are Christians, Christian is also a religion, ergo…

    You’re still a bigot.


    I’m a bigot because Westboro Baptists are Christian?


    But I’m using white supremacist talking points?

    I’m brown IRL and the only thing I hate more than god-botherers are the “white-is-right” mouth-breathers, eRgO I’m definitely against them too.

    Let me spell it out for ya, skippy:

    Ya can’t be racist or a bIgOt against a religion or religious people.

    A religion is a moral philosophy and a belief in how existence works; something ya gotta choose to believe in.

    You can’t choose your ethnicity or where you were born, or a lot of other traits. You can choose your religion and what you believe.

    And if what you choose to believe in is cruel, murderous, cultish, abusive, etc., and you think it’s okay because god is on your side, you’re at the very least a bona fide asshole…

    … And deserve disrespect, ridicule, contempt, and an ass whooping if you try and push your flappy-gum “you need to _____, because my invisible friend god said so.”

    I mean do you really believe the whole Israel-Palestinian conflict is made better or worse by the zionist and/or conservative jews and the wahabi/salafi islamists?

    Awe shucks, guess “dAsS raYciSs”.


  • TLDR: It’s impossible to be “vAgUeLy rAcIsT” to cultists at best, murderous war-mongers at worst.

    Hamas and Daesh claim to follow the teachings of Islam. Islam is a religion.

    One can’t be “racist” against followers of a religion.

    Religions, among other things, are philosophical claims of divine origins in ontology and morality. Being an adherent is not determined by one’s genetic lineage, it’s determined by choice, and usually coercively.

    Any religious philosophy absolutely demands scrutiny from anyone with critical thinking skills. Religions don’t deserve “automatic respect” their proponents seek, especially the monotheistic ones.

    The “final solution” for civilization is a clear one: reject, fight, and deny the parties of god(s). Don’t legitimize their political, scientific, and moral claims. They don’t care about anyone else’s. They’re here to impose their will and they don’t hide it.

    Otherwise the jews, christians and muslims will get to do what they’ve always done: drag the rest of the world into their carnage and slaughter as they hate-fuck each other into the Armageddon they seek, by their own admission.

    In their own words, “they love death more than we love life”, will kill, and clearly have before, to prove it. Even their own. Especially their own.