As a Brit looking in, America is a mess
Fediverse Advocate
As a Brit looking in, America is a mess
What a horrible language.
Probably not. We use a kebab or a hamburger to mean “tap here for a menu” for some reason
People do enforce the law. Just occasionally, but that’s enough to scare 90% into submission
I feel like America is like this especially. I’ve seen them assume too many things about me because of single beliefs I held
Perhaps I used the wrong word, in that case
I think China in a way is democratic as long as you have allegiance to Xi Jinping. So as long as two people have opposing policies that neither of them contradict “Xi Jinping thought”, then there is some choice I guess?
That’s a constitutional monarchy, with added censorship. The UK was like that 100ish years ago. Now treasonous talk is tolerated
We’ll be resurrected and face judgement before God, all who have sinned will be found guilty and cast away to hell, except those who have repented and came to Jesus for forgiveness of sins - in which Jesus will have already paid the punishment for.
Like what?
BBC Radio 4’s hourly news bulletin just before the Archers. That and BBC News headline notifications.
You could just follow all of them. Although it’s incredibly difficult, as Christianity basically demands perfection.
Jira breaking is a feature. Free time to do nothing
At least you’re consistent with not wanting Christians to get special treatment
What’s the problem with the belief system? Sounds like in your eyes, the best Christianity is no Christianity.
Looked into the Church,
Bragging about your sick gaming pc is just a vessel for bragging about HRT
Wikipedia. Not an app but still deserves a mention.
Can’t arrest everyone