The wasabi goes over there.

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2023


  • Lol! “Bigoted and discriminatory”! As if they were born a cop, had no choice to be anything other that a cop, and could never be without a uniform or a weapon. Fuck 'em.

    My partner was a charge nurse on a psych ward for 16 years. Many of her interactions with police were as follows:

    POLICE: buzzes the desk
    My Parnter: Yes?
    P: This is officer so-and-so with the so-and-so police department. We have a warrant for the arrest of a patient on your ward. Let us in.
    MP: Okay, but this is a secure ward and firearms are not allowed. Surrender your weapons at the security office and I’ll grant you access to make your arrest when you return.
    MP: Well, then can’t enter this ward.
    end of conversation

  • It’s a rather flimsy door of thin sheet metal and glass that you often see on the outer side of a house door. In the winter, it provides a layer of dead air space that helps to insulate the house. In the summer, storm doors are often fitted with screens to provide more ventilation while keeping insects out. This is still common today, but was much more common before air conditioning was ubiquitous in the US. BTW, storm windows are also a thing, and are still common in the US for the same reasons.