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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 12th, 2023

  • Ignorant take. When vape products contain, at most, 6 ingredients, all of which have been individually extensively studied, none of which are carcinogenic, and 5 of them are FDA approved for food and pharmaceuticals, theres a pretty obvious harm reduction to inhaling thousands of compounds with at least 70 being carcinogens. So much so that every study you can find will conclude the same.

    Here’s a quote from a source I would call a qualified institution on the matter: "In its 2016 assessment, the Royal College of Physicians of London stated: “Although it is not possible to precisely quantify the long-term health risks associated with e-cigarettes, the available data suggest that they are unlikely to exceed 5% of those associated with smoked tobacco products and may well be substantially lower than this figure.”

    That isn’t pseudoscience. It’s easily found by a quick Google search.

    Conclusively, we’re going to find that the tobacco industry makes far less money off of refined nicotine than it does from tobacco. There’s a reason Phillip Morris bought a 30% stake in Juul, ran their advertising into the ground, and now also exclusively funds anti vaping ads rather than anti tobacco product ads.

    They hooked a new generation on nicotine with Juul and are trying to ban vaping to sell their higher profit margin cigarettes.

    Whether my conspiracy conjecture is found to be true or not, studies comparing vaping to smoking keep coming to the same conclusion, vaping is less harmful than smoking. If you have a study or information to the opposite I would love to read it.

  • If you found out she has gestational diabetes from anyone else but her, and that she’s having a hard time, let it be. If she told you herself in an honest moment of comfort, tell her “I’m so sorry. That sucks.” And let her vent. The last thing she wants is for anyone to make a big deal about it, solve her problems, or choose her diet.

    Bring in donuts again. Seriously. She’s an adult and can choose to eat them.

    Bring in a more health conscious option. Once again, she can choose to eat it or not.

    You’re trying to find an option when most likely you shouldn’t know about her personal health issues in the first place. Unless you have a very close relationship that you aren’t letting us know about, you shouldn’t be trying to figure out something to give her to make her feel better. She could very easily feel ostracized for her pregnancy in the first place. Employers arent super cool with pregnancies, let alone pregnancies that are in any magnitude more difficult.

    What makes will make her feel better is a coworker that respects her space and private health matters. Don’t treat her as special. Treat her as human.

  • THIS JUST IN! People raked over coals for nearly 4 years are feeling charred!

    CEO’s struggle to find uncharted adjacent talking points about the future economy as the middle class shrinks like a dick in a cold stream, as they unforgivablely pretend to scratch their heads while literally stealing babies from mothers. The statistics are IN, and they show that corporations do not care to provide safe as advertised products. Mothers, as expected, should be uneasy to have children since their offspring are not only more likely to have developmental problems due to microplastics in their bloodstreams, PFAFs in their bloodstream, and Teflon in their…um…everything… Along with the volatile markets, and sub standard pay increases that specifically affect everyone, except the A+ class that have trust fund money and live without feelings or care for any individuals, but the mothers must give birth for jesu… I mean for milit… I mean population contr…I mean moral values that age demographics that can’t medically have children uphold. Wait. I meant because Jesus. I almost had it the first time. I really meant for Jesus. He was a swell guy, as long as you don’t call him a middle eastern jew. Anyways, here’s Jim with the latest CTE-ffective tackles from last night’s game.