Bytedance/TT put out a statement that this is BS
Bytedance/TT put out a statement that this is BS
Huh? It’s a survey
Sure, they could be lying, but why would they?
And your employee anecdotal stories mean zilch
Oh that’s my bad. I didn’t realize only one lawyer could work on any aspect of a case at a time. I wasn’t aware that criminal cases were on a very strict timeline that cannot be impacted at all through resources or prosecutorial discretion on when to charge
I would respectfully argue that everybody knew that there was an election coming that Trump was going to run in, and there was a possibility of him winning it. And that should have dictated the timeline to bring charges. And if that meant more resources or bringing fewer charges, or whatever, that should have been the game plan.
If you believe he’s guilty, you don’t give him time to run out the clock
If this is a real writer and not AI generated content (with a fake public profile), it’s a college student doing intern work writing articles on topics she is given.
It’s clickbait, pure and simple
US law mandates retirement at 56 for Air Traffic Controllers due to the high stress and fast-paced multi-tasking nature of the job
It’s considered one of the most mentally challenging jobs there are.