Mossy Feathers (They/Them)


  • 3 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 20th, 2023


  • Projection is the thing some people do where they accuse someone else of something they themselves do, especially when there is no reason to suspect the accused. It could be considered a form of self-report.

    An example might be if a racist individual (lets call them Bob) accuses someone of racism (Joe) because they crossed a street. Joe may have had plenty of valid reasons to cross the street; maybe they wanted to go into the shop across the street, maybe their car was parked on the other side, maybe they saw a friend and wanted to surprise them. Bob, however, being a racist fuck, sees Joe cross the street, sees a black man walking down the sidewalk that Joe just left, and immediately jumps to the conclusion that Joe was crossing the street to avoid the black dude. The reality is that Joe didn’t even notice the black guy, but Bob, being a racist fuck, assumes that Joe is just doing the same thing that Bob would have done.

    That is projection.

    I’m not sure if that fully answers your question, though I will say I see people seemingly jump the gun a lot. Accusing someone of projecting is similar to accusing someone of arguing in bad faith; except instead of accusing them of arguing in bad faith, you’re accusing them of making accusations “in bad faith”, so to speak. However, like accusing someone of arguing in bad faith, some people will just use it to shut people down.

  • “high-capacity magazine” can refer to anything ranging from a fairly standard AR15 30-round stanag mag to a 200-round box magazine. Like, technically a high-capacity magazine is any magazine that holds more rounds than a standard magazine for a given firearm; but legally-speaking most states with laws regulating magazine capacity tend to define “high-capacity” as being more than 10~15 rounds for rifles.

    So they could have had a normal Glock-19 magazine (illegal in some states as they hold 15 rounds, more than some states allow pistols to have) or a loose AR15 magazine in their glovebox from their last gunshoot, or they could have had a 100 round drum mag for their Glock.

    Edit: California sounds like they have a universal 10-round magazine limit, which means a standard G19 magazine would be illegal.

  • Shitting hell is one of my favorites.

    What is shitting hell?

    Is that where they glue you to a toilet and force feed you nothing but dried prunes and coffee (they don’t even brew it, they just grind up the beans for maximum surface area and then shove it down your throat)?

    What could warrant such a punishment?

    What context IRL could warrant such an exclamation!?

  • Google is still working on improving the Terminal app as well as AVF before shipping this feature. AVF already supports graphics and some input options, but it’s preparing to add support for backing up and restoring snapshots, nested virtualization, and devices with an x86_64 architecture.

    This is the part I cared about. Can it run x86_64 programs, or is it just an ARM-compatible version of Debian?

    If it can actually run x86_64 programs on ARM devices, then that’s kinda fucking sick and would likely help the world transition to ARM. Like, fuck Google, but this sounds like a good thing, maybe?

  • The dinosaur’s derrière is so well preserved, researchers could see the remnants of two small bulges by its “back door,” which might have housed musky scent glands that the reptile possibly used during courtship — an anatomical quirk also seen in living crocodilians, said scientists who studied the specimen.

    How do you know they weren’t testicles? I wonder if it’s possible that dinosaurs started out with external testes that migrated inward as the climate cooled.

    None of the reproductive soft tissues (like a penis) were preserved. So the researchers can’t say whether the dinosaur was male or female. Even so, this dinosaur likely had copulatory sex, unlike some birds that bump butts when they do a “cloacal kiss” during reproduction, Vinther said.

    Why? Too big? Body the wrong shape? Not flexible enough? I’m actually curious about this. It’s been a question I’ve had for a long time but I feel like I never get a satisfactory answer. I know a lot of paleontology is guesswork based on extant/recently extinct species, and that a lot of the guesses involve “cloacal kissing” due to the fact that most birds and many reptiles reproduce that way. However, theropods, the seemingly most likely candidate for the “cloacal kissing” route due to their suspected relationship with modern birds, had ridiculously big tails which were likely feathered. To me, that raises the question of whether or not theropods truly started the tradition of “raising tail” among birds, or if they were more like ducks but reduced tail size made obscenely large, prehensile penises obsolete because they could go cloac-to-cloac. The tails seem like they’d be too big to “go cloac-to-cloac”.

    Also, since I did a quick Google search to try and find the answer before posting, here is some dino porn, courtesy of the BBC

    Hot theropods in your area!

    Big Sauropod Rails Scaley MILF

  • I unironically want to go back to the days where ads told you what the product was, what it cost, why you should buy it (compared to competitors) and where to buy it. All the cutesy “we’re gonna tell a story” advertising falls flat on its face because, as much fun as the “real deal” can be, 99% of it is designed by committees to reach as big of a spread as they can. It’s soulless. I’d rather my soulless advertising be straight and to the point than some eye-rolling, meandering, soul-sucking corporate garbage that takes 90 seconds to say what it could have said in 15s.

    Hey advertisers, quit wasting my time, and your money and quit fucking doing it. The reason why the, “narrative advertising” or whatever you call it, works is because it’s made by a small company and targeted at an equally small community. Chances are, it’s enthusiasts selling to enthusiasts, and they know the people they’re targeting better than you ever could.

    You. are. not. a. small. company. You. are. not. enthusiasts. Stop it.