• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 27th, 2023


  • I mean anything is possible if one side is basically ignored. The UN Plan offered was just terrible.


    The only reason it even got to where it got was because Turkey wanted to join the EU and Greece wanted to normalize relations with Turkey. But ultimately, Cyprus(greekcypriot state) is an independent and democratic state, so it decided against it(and Greece follows whatever Cyprus decides).

    If Turkey was a normal country, you could say that all the disadvantages of the plan wouldnt be relevant in the long term. But Turkey is a mini-Russia and as Russia has shown us, appeasing nations with imperial ambitions doesnt work in the long run.

    Imagine any european leader saying to their neighbours “We could come one night”. Or “our neighbours are scared because our missiles can reach their capital”. Both statements were said by Erdogan. Only in the last year, he has chilled, mostly because of the invasion in Ukraine. For once, the West did something good, instead of writing “stern letters” so Erdogan is afraid that the West might actually military support Greece in case of a turkish invasion.

    Also because Greece is getting f-35 jets and Turkey needs american engines for their homegrown ghetto “f-35” equivalent(so the US told him to shut up and be nice or else no engines for their “f-35” or upgraded f-16).

  • It is down for the over the Mediterranean Sea routes and up for the from Turkey into Greece routes. And through the Canary Islands.

    How long the downward trend will hold remains to be seen, however. Smugglers are always quick to adapt and find new routes around border controls. In the Eastern Mediterranean, the second-most-used route, smuggling networks are now using speedboats in increasingly aggressive ways to avoid controls and targeting islands farther away from the Turkish coast in the central Aegean, according to Greek authorities.

    The number of migrants arriving in Greece by sea and overland during the first eight months of the year rose by 57%, U.N. data shows.

  • You could argue that what we have isnt true capitalism, since our current system doesnt include the environmental cost. If we could do that, then the cost of doing things would greatly increase, thus forcing capitalism to be more environmentally friendly.

    I dont want to defend capitalism, but there is a potential version of capitalism that could work. Kinda how we use the replicative aggressive function of viruses for healing.

    The fact that in the West, right wings are often insane, doesnt mean much. 95% of new coal power plants are built in China. Are they right wing? I think they are but tankies think China is socialist.

    Obviously China has immense demand for power and it is in many ways a developing country. They took some measures to reduce the negative environmental effect. Their cities were covered in smog till recently, they had to do something.

    But despite that, they still value the growth/wealth of cheap electric power.

  • The slogan is being used by far right israelis too. And it is implicitly genocidal for both sides. Israel is here to stay and so is Palestine. Both sides need to accept this so we can move towards the next goal, defining which lands go to which side.

    Israel needs to be charitable and give back land, remove settlers, etc. And in response Palestine needs to control its people and guarantee the safety of Israel.

    A lot of Israel’s landgrab is because of security concerns or at least thats Israel’s excuse. If Palestine can remove that excuse by providing security, things can become a lot simpler.

    The problem is that Palestine does not exist as a country with a unified government, partly because of Israel(supported hamas, etc), so Israel continues having legitimate security concerns.

  • Modularity/expand-ability comes at a cost. Both monetary cost and performance cost. We used to have gpus with expandable memory but we dont anymore.

    Thats because by having the memory integrated into the board, we can put it much closer to the chip, greatly increasing the bandwidth and lowering the latency. This is exactly what Apple has done with its memory and why it isnt expandable anymore. Apple’s memory is 5x+ faster than ddr5 in terms of bandwidth. Also you fully take advantage of the entirety of the available memory bus, instead of having empty lanes chilling for potential upgrades.

    By having an integrated battery, you can have the battery have all kinds of wacky shapes that fill your design better.

    Having a microsd slot takes a lot of space and can result into a significant degraded user experience if the user uses a slow microsd. And even a fast microsd is slower than integrated storage.

    All these things are possible but they come with some sacrifices. Part of the change is because of enshittification but some changes is because they make sense.

  • RAM is not RAM though. If a RAM is twice as fast than some other RAM, then it can swap shit back and forth really fast, making it more efficient per size. Because Apple is soldering ram next to the chip, it enables them to make their RAM a lot faster. M3 max’s ram has 6x more bandwidth than ddr5 and a lot lower latency too.

    Also macos needs less ram in general. Is 8gB ram enough? No. But i would bet money on 12gB m3 over 16gB pc to have fewer ram issues and faster performance.

    Most of the things that “use” ram on every day pc use, dont need ram. It is just parked assets, webpages, etc. Things that if you have a really fast ram, can be re-cached to ram pretty fast, especially if your storage is also really fast.

  • I want wireless headphones that can play audio sound from 2 devices simultaneously. And while doing that, you can still use your microphone and your audio wont have shit quality.

    I know in windows, when you want to use your microphone on your wireless headphones, audio quality goes to shit because it doesnt have enough bandwidth to drive both excellent sound quality and microphone recording.

    I want to be able to play a game on my phone(with audio), while watching a video on my pc and voice chatting on discord, all at the same time with perfect audio quality. This cant be that hard yet for some reason, even after 10 years of wireless headphones, we cant do that.


    You wont find many people in this site who say what Israel is doing is right. Cutting power, water, food and supplies to a 2mil population is never right. But what i am saying is that it is understandable that Israel has gone full retard. I dont justify it, i rationalize it.

    Your plan is for the Israelis to continue to hold on to what they have unjustly, illegally, and immorally taken?

    No, i think the international community should pressure them into compliance. As i said, Israel’s is somewhat restraining itself, especially when you consider their current government. If the rest of the world didnt exist, Israel would have literally nuked Gaza by now or at least carpet bomb it to oblivion.

    My point is that if Hamas was in a position of power, they would totally carpet bomb Israel. So in that context, Israel is showing relative constraint. We are talking about an israeli government which has some far right ministers, not to mention Bibi in charge.

    Go back to the 1947 UN lines. That would be a compromise that both sides would be equally unhappy with.

    Ok. My point is that both sides need to accept each other existence in that region. However, both sides need to really tighten security of their own if you want to have a viable plan. I think Israel can control the israelis. Do you think Hamas or the Palestinian Authority can control the palestinians? Even if we magically get peace tomorrow, and everyone agreed to follow the 1947 plan.

    What do you think will happen if a palestinian blows up a bus or whatever? Because this has happened in the past. So it is natural for Israel to want to have some extra security assurances by controlling strategic areas. The 1947 plan has some insane security weaknesses from that aspect. A lot of the “newer” israeli settlements are about controlling heights and/or chokepoints. Maybe you can have the UN controlling them but still.

    Generally countries really dont like enclaves, look at Azerbaijan. They are an insane security concern, even without the past Israel and Palestine share. The 1949 borders are a bit better in that respect. You still have the Gaza island but i dont think you can do much about that. They can be their own mini country.

    Do you really think that the Civil Rights movement was peaceful? Did you forget about the Black Panthers, or Malcolm X? Have you forgotten just how many race riots there have been in US history? Or were you simply never told about them? Hey, remember that time when Philadelphia bombed–literally bombed–a few city blocks because of black militant separatists?

    I am not an american and while i am somewhat familiar with the events, i am not that knowledgeable. It is important to not overstate events. The bombing was the police dropping explosives from a helicopter, hardly a bombing. Black Panthers and Malcolm X never reached the heights Hamas has reached. They barely killed people(depending on your definition), mostly individuals, not mass murder of innocent people.

    But if they did, do you think that would have accelerated race equality in the US? They could have gone to a white only village in the South and kill 1000 people. If they did that, the history of the US would have been A LOT different and not for the better IMO.

    There is nothing that doesn’t, because we keep funding them, regardless. The Gov’t of Israel literally funded Hamas and turned them from a tiny fringe group to mainstream, because groups like the PLO and Fatah were gathering too much support. Terrorism is in the best interests of the right-wing gov’t of Israel, because they can use it to justify more and more harms to Palestinians.

    I agree but change takes time. Africa’s Apartheid took decades to bring down. I think if KSA and Israel got closer, we could have seen an independent Palestine within the next 10 years. Even Bibi loves money and security assurances and KSA can provide money while the US can provide security. And money/prosperity, often leads to peace(unless you have an authoritarian out of touch leader, like Putin).

    I think that it’s more likely that Netanyahu allowed the whole thing to happen

    While it was an insane intelligence failure, i cant imagine Bibi allowing this. This is too big. Maybe he underestimated its potential but i dont think he knew. And while Israel has gone full retard because of this, i am not so sure this will be a good thing for Bibi in the longrun. Especially if the Gaza invasion starts going wrong.

    And if Iran funds Hamas, what of it? If Israel gets serious about peace, then Hamas’ anger is blunted, regardless of funding. But Israel hasn’t done fuck-all for peace in a decade.

    Actually for years, other groups blamed Hamas for going soft and cooperating with Israel. They were saying Hamas has lost its edge and its leaders are living in luxury in some arab country. Israel even had many programs that gave palestinians employment in Israel, with comparatively good wages, etc. One of the reasons Israel was so complacent was because they thought things were “good” with Hamas.