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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: September 28th, 2023


  • No dude… Nothing like that… Israel has made plenty of mistakes, especially in the past, and this is an extremely complex issue.

    To answer your first question in terms of casualty counts. The very first thing is that casualty counts are very commonly over/under inflated, especially during times of conflict. There are many reasons you may want to over inflate or deflate your numbers. But honestly it is really difficult to take casualty rates at face value. Let’s say we take it for what it is and its skewed. Now we run straight into a philosophical conundrum that is probably much to big to effectively argue through on the internet.

    Your philosophical position on about a dozen or so moralistic arguments are going to shape your ultimate decision on where you stand in terms of casualty imbalances.

    So I will skip all that and give you some of the things that I believe would bring me to your side.

    1. If HAMAS releases all of the remaining hostages and surrenders their leadership to stand trial in a neutral international court, and Israel continues to pursue it’s offensive operations.
    2. If Israel remains present in gaza following the restoration of peace.

  • I have no clue what you are defending.

    Also that’s the silliest shit I’ve ever heard. A tamir interceptor is designed for the interception of rockets, artillery, and mortars. Just consider what the design of a rocket with such a task specific purpose would need to be designed to do. Think about how it would move, how it would sound, what the warhead is designed to do.

    Really think this through please. Because most people here in Lemmy thought the rocket that hit the hospital (which ended up actually being the parking lot) and killed those 900 people (which actually ended up being ~300) was a US JDAM.

    You actually believe that a low yield… Maybe 20lb NEW warhead designed for shrapnel dispersal fired at the sky and then malfunctioning and falling back to the ground… Would have the same devastation, velocity, and angle of attack as a missile people reasonably, but still mistakeningly thought was a 500lb NEW Air to Surface JDAM.

    You could literally just use your own eyes and go look for videos of what it looks like for the tamir to explode in the air and compare that to the massive incendiary fireball that came from the HAMAS rocket and you would immediately know how insane that theory is.

    And then I hope you walk away from that with just a little bit of skepticism and shame because you are guzzling the Kool aid bud.

  • It’s like you guys are just learning that war is terrible…

    People die in wars. Combatants, non-combatants, men, women, children, bystanders, supporters, journalists, doctors, criminals, religious people, atheists.

    We don’t want war… It’s bad.

    So if you don’t want war, you should conduct massive brutal attacks on civilian populations… Because that’s how you get war.

    HAMAS did this… They hold their own women and children at gun point inside of buildings they know Israel is about to strike to maximize the propaganda value out of the strike. The Arab nations refuse to allow Palestinian refugees to enter their countries in order to get them out of the conflict areas. Iran has purposefully financed HAMAS in order to allow it to disrupt the Palestinian Government and prevent any real opportunities for real sustainable peace. HAMAS build hospitals and schools with Iranian money… not to provide for the Palestinian people but to ensure they can wrap themselves in human body armor as they build caches and facilitation networks which is 100% in violation of international law and is not just criminal but utterly despicable.

    Meanwhile these groups and countries have never been shy at announcing that their only stated goal is the genocidal ethnic cleansing of Israelis and the destruction of the state of Israel.

    Who would have thought that all those years ago when Jordan and Egypt decided to take military action against a displaced refugee encampment all of those years ago that we would be at this point.

    Or when they did it the second time…

    Or the third time…

    It’s unreal that Egypt and Jordan just abandoned their own people in Israel and refuse to allow them to return to the nations they were originally citizens.

  • It’s like you guys are just learning that war is terrible…

    People die in wars. Combatants, non-combatants, men, women, children, bystanders, supporters, journalists, doctors, criminals, religious people, atheists.

    We don’t want war… It’s bad.

    So if you don’t want war, you should conduct massive brutal attacks on civilian populations… Because that’s how you get war.

    HAMAS did this… They hold their own women and children at gun point inside of buildings they know Israel is about to strike to maximize the propaganda value out of the strike. The Arab nations refuse to allow Palestinian refugees to enter their countries in order to get them out of the conflict areas. Iran has purposefully financed HAMAS in order to allow it to disrupt the Palestinian Government and prevent any real opportunities for real sustainable peace. HAMAS build hospitals and schools with Iranian money… not to provide for the Palestinian people but to ensure they can wrap themselves in human body armor as they build caches and facilitation networks which is 100% in violation of international law and is not just criminal but utterly despicable.

    Meanwhile these groups and countries have never been shy at announcing that their only stated goal is the genocidal ethnic cleansing of Israelis and the destruction of the state of Israel.

    Who would have thought that all those years ago when Jordan and Egypt decided to take military action against a displaced refugee encampment all of those years ago that we would be at this point.

    Or when they did it the second time…

    Or the third time…

    It’s unreal that Egypt and Jordan just abandoned their own people in Israel and refuse to allow them to return to the nations they were originally citizens.

  • What exactly is your point then? You think that HAMAS should be allowed to get away with their crimes because by fighting them it would create a second wave?

    I’m sorry but not good enough. HAMAS teaches Palestinian children that their greatest achievements in life is to sacrifice themselves in the great jihad. They wrap children in suicide vests and march them around on TV.

    Destroying HAMAS is protecting Palestinians. Collateral loss of life is a tragic cost of war… But the mission here is clear… destroy HAMAS, do not let them flee to their rat holes. HAMAS will always attempt to maximize civilian casualties. When will they release the hostages they are holding? These aren’t prisoners of war… They are civilians, non combatants… Why don’t we just start with HAMAS releases the innocent people they have taken hostage?

  • How did ISIS seize it in 2014 if it was all destroyed?

    And why are people still dying when they walk anywhere near it?


    True it’s not in production but no one is destroying the chemical weapons stored there, frankly it’s because they are so incredibly dangerous and in poor condition that they cannot be safely handled. The weapons are still there though, all of the various nerve and blister agents and all of their precursory materials.

    It’s bizarre you are so smart but don’t really know what you are talking about. I know it’s incredibly difficult to find truth in our media right now (and frankly it doesn’t even matter what political persuasion you subscribe to… They are all full of shit). But still you are buying the narrative hard.

    But you should at least take account of first hand knowledge. I was boots on ground in Iraq through the most violent and dangerous times. No we shouldn’t have been there, but it’s not like the lies about WMDs were farfetched… Saddam had stockpiles of chemical weapons and had already produced proven warheads to deliver chemical weapons on various platforms including their infamous SCUD platform.