It’s hard to when any of those experiments have been met with bombs, embargoes, coups, and other fuckery
It’s hard to when any of those experiments have been met with bombs, embargoes, coups, and other fuckery
Common ownership of the means of production
You do realize most of the other attempts at something else have been largely destroyed or stifled by the United States on behalf of capitalist interests right? Map for context
I mean, it was a thing far before that. Russia has been historically vilified in US culture, in many ways unfairly. Goes all the way back to red scare propaganda.
Probably just more pronounced lately given the trash fire of a war in Ukraine.
If I try to grow some tomatoes, and by the time they’re sprouting out of the ground, my neighbor tramples them and lights them on fire, does that mean that I can’t ever grow tomatoes and they’re doomed to fail?