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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 2nd, 2023


  • Not pressuring the Afghani government into releasing ~5,000 Taliban fighters as part of the pullout would have been a good start if I’m being honest. Donald “Art of the Deal” Trump himself basically sentenced that country to die when he agreed to those terms.

    I agree that it’s a sad state of affairs that the military and government caved so quickly. 20 years of help and they couldn’t manage to stand up on their own, all things said and done. Not calling you wrong, but the way we left was a disaster, and honestly we should have reneged on the deal once Biden took office and found a better way to transition out of the country.

  • It includes 13 year olds because puberty blockers are included. No one is giving estrogen to children. If a child experiences gender dysphoria, their parents can have them work with a psychiatrist and their doctor to make sure they delay puberty so the child can keep growing and decide if they want to transition when they approach adulthood.

    Everything else you’ve said is bullshit. Your ignorance is not a free pass to make up facts and spread misinformation.

    Research shows that a lot of gender dysphoria is the result of puberty and medicalizing treatment of it creates a pipeline to further transition including surgeries, while if not treated, the dysphoria often desists after puberty.

    This right here, this is evil. If someone took you at your word here, they may choose to ignore or punish their child if they were experiencing gender dysphoria. I know you have no sources from any respected institution, and the medical community en masse rebuke this line of thinking.

    Edit: Both of the books the original commenter added to try and support their claims are books that posit TERF views that sex is biological and gender either doesn’t exist or is equally biological and cannot change. They dehumanize trans folks and their struggles. They are not medical studies or journals supporting their claims.

  • They do that because they know they can push Progressives into some very awkward positions.

    They are pushing progressives into the corner. Painting them as being out of touch with the pain felt by regular folks. The pain felt by the masses and instead focus in on some teeny, tiny, exceedingly small fringe group.

    And it works!

    Ah. Got it. Makes me feel all warm and fuzzy to know conservatives don’t actually want me dead, they just want to make the dems look bad and make everyone feel better! /s

    You know dems don’t just focus on this like conservatives right? This is not the flex you think it is.

    Republicans are masters at finding ways to make Democrats look bad on topics that make Dems look like they don’t support middle America and it’s values.

    To the uneducated and religious South? You bet. And that’s it. That’s all they do outside of enrich themselves and their owners.

    There are no solutions to be found with conservatives, just messaging and hate. They attack minorities and then spout how dems “hate you” because they show compassion and try to protect vulnerable groups. Imagine how the opioid crisis (which is utterly raping middle America) could be handled if conservatives spent a tenth of that energy on fixing it instead of attacking trans people, immigrants, and minorities.

    You can say the messaging is off, but it’s “poor messaging” vs “literal, honest to God fascists”. There’s no comparison. This’ll be my last reply, you have nothing of substance to say.

  • Hey Progressives, let’s waste ALL our time and political capital on something that affects a dozen or so people in the entire country, and not push for real change that could affect literally millions of people in this country.

    Funny how the laws targeting trans highschool athletes… well under 1000 people total in the US… are passed by conservatives. Why do conservatives care so much about passing laws against such a small group? Why are conservatives spending nearly all of their political capital and goodwill on oppressing an incredibly vulnerable ~1-2% of the population?

    Can you even name a single solution proposed by conservatives for problems like housing, healthcare, or climate change? I can name dozens from democrats and progressives alike.

    Your comment is essentially one big gaslighting shit show. You chucklefucks wonder why the adults in the room are sick of your shit and are calling you clowns to your faces like you fucking deserve. It’s cause you’re fucking clowns.