Also [email protected]
He’s on a crusade to get rid of anything with more than one ingredient, including people.
He got it just in time to be broken.
No exceptions.
The darker color in tornado alley is green for “no data”, which is odd, but I assume it’s similar to the darker orange and red around it.
Yeah =(
The map tracks with high American Indian and White populations.
I remember trying to play it in the car by pressing it into the seat in front of me with my head. Lol
Maybe they would be twice as super though!
They have awesome games to show each other!
Simon is on his way to your castle as we speak.
I’m pretty sure that would be every state, right?
Progress isn’t a straight line, and sometimes there are setbacks on the way. I’m disappointed, of course, but I’m optimistic that we’ll manage.
My guess is that there isn’t a country out there that has a cultural preference for women over men, so at best you’re going to see fairly close to equal, plus the difference of men dying earlier from things like wars, dangerous jobs, and lifestyle.
Whereas there are many cultures that strongly select for male children, plus some that also bring in high numbers of male workers.
In many countries where males are valued more highly culturally, infanticide is depressingly common. On a similar note, many countries have outlawed doctors revealing the baby’s sex during pregnancy appointments because too many parents would end the pregnancy if it was going to be a girl.
Someone elsewhere in the comments said they remembered seeing one in playboy magazine.
Bonus: here safe some from the 1980s
Is he just picking people he sees on TV?
Gump didn’t even have a skateboard
Texas is big and tends to go red in the winner-takes-all system, but it also has more blue voters than some states have voters total.
I would totally use a retro style beige case for my next build…
I was posting more for the funny reply, rather than to share the original article, but I can put a note in the post body that the pictured quoted article is misinformation.