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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 1st, 2023


  • It is still extremely far from the old days when money lent, was money/gold in the vault

    I have a easier time accepting 8% interest charge when someone actually took money out of their pocket to lend me versus a ponzi like scheme with “strict regulatory rules and statistics blah blah loan loss provisions” (which sounds wonderful and for our good and safety).

    They make a shit ton of money…

    The models are just risk and likelihood based to determine cash requirements and how much they can lend out (way more than cash they have) yet they charge the same fee as if they had the funds.

    I’d rather borrow from my grandma and pay her 8% since she deserves it for parting with her money.

  • Great question!

    A National internet ID of course!

    it might be called a Crypto-quantum-cyber-safety-passcode and you’ll need to use it in any site that collects and stores data about you. It will be for your safety!

    Speaking of...
    Has it ever been explored to pen a modern day update similar to , or to  the constitution (amendment)?
    (It would add new things) which could  prevent future stupid laws and the encroachment of individual privacy and how other entities can collect, store, use and sell one's data and metadata they create. It would also avoid wasting of resources..
    I'm sure there are other modern things today that the founding fathers could never  have imagined at the time  - but you better believe they would have included if they had the slightest idea!
    The tough part is that it would need to be well thought out and reasonable (and practical) 
    Otherwise, it will always be a knee jerk defensive reaction to all this nonsense all the time. It's exhausting and a waste of $

  • Pay yourself first to keep your disposable low. (Define your saving goals and set up automatic saving into another sav account or TFSA/rsp or us alternative) run these transfers the same schedule as your paycheck.

    Also, if you tend to spend fast and loose, you may want to Set an amount of time you must waitbefore you can buy the thing depending on cost.

    I.e 2 days for a $500 purchase. If you still want it after 5 days, buy it.