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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 15th, 2023


  • From my understanding, and please, someone correct me:

    Hate speech has to be tied to a crime. If you knock someone’s mailbox over it’s destruction of property, if you do it while yelling a racist phrase at the person then it may be considered a hate crime which depending on the state can carry additional, often heavier punishment. Racism isn’t illegal, just bad taste.

    As far as American free speech is concerned, outside of inciting violence or injury (rallys that turn violent, yelling fire in a movie theater) you can pretty much say whatever the fuck you want… Unless it’s towards a corporation or rich person who can sue you into the floor for years debating your use of “satire, irony, fantasy, parody” if they kinda choose to. Legal system is beyond fucked, and with all the deep fake shit coming and going it’s most likely give more power to these kinda cases. Also, it feels like there’s a rise both legally and socially for thought crimes. A whole new bag of fun.

    Edit: Obviously, threatening someone with violence is indeed illegal. Can’t tell folks you’re going to kill them.

  • Oh man, what the fuck is going on in this group?

    I was responding to the thread about a disabled guy on a scooter and offered a reasonable answer as to why not all disabled folks would be able to go this route easily. Especially if it can’t replace their current means of transportation, and costs THE FUCKING SAME IF NOT MORE.

    Yes, I want easily accessible transit. Yes, I hate the idea of everyone needing a fucking car to do anything. Yes, I believe it is the duty of the municipality to create efficient and non discriminating means of transport.

    The shit I’m responding to, is the capitalist fix to disabled movement. Anything thats made for people with “different” bodies, is going to be like 5x the price of a normal thing and probably still the quality of the lowest tiered object out there. (Hand pedal bikes being the prime example.)

    Fuck. I knew the fuck cars group would have some ignorant able-bodied ideals, but this shit is getting silly.

  • Back home we had a local station, felt like a way of tuning into “the city.” Very few breaks outside of their pledge drives once/twice a year. Listening to the Jazz station here on short drives these days. Very few ads, and some pretty gnarly shit. College radio stations are also pretty easy to find and escape that ad insanity.

    Don’t let radio and broadcast TV die quite yet, it’s still very viable, especially as we sort out net neutrality and failsafe systems in cases of emergency.