• 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 3rd, 2023

  • I agree, and the whole thing is a shame.

    Part of me wants to think it’s just inevitable because industry gets nearly exactly what it wants in this country at all times, but another part of me has a perhaps more hopeful thought which is maybe we could’ve gotten some of those things if we had organized for them.

    Maybe a lot of what’s wrong with American policy is that the sane people and the people who want reasonable, good governance of the country just aren’t organized enough and just not connected enough to each other.

    Despite the likelihood that the million Karen marches at the height of the pandemic for getting haircuts were astroturfing efforts…there was nobody in the public sphere advocating for reason. I understand that it was risky when we didn’t know about the properties of the virus and such so the crazies were the only ones risking it. But I don’t think this country can have good governance at all until the people who are tired of the crazies organize, unite, and take over.

  • I’m sure Biden kept some of Trump’s policies in place, but he didn’t keep in place “take all the kids, break up every family” and then send out his henchmen to go on TV and say “whomp, whomp” when questioned about it.

    There are actual situations happening pertaining to immigration that the administration has to handle.

    Despite the right-wing bullshit, “the Biden-Harris administration” 🙄 is definitely not an “open borders” administration. I would argue that “open borders” policies are not particularly tenable in the first place.

    Keeping in place some policies Trump laid out some of the time does not prevent an administration from having a better stance overall on immigration, nor does it prevent them from at least trying to clean up some of the damage.

    In other words, no, you don’t have to repeal every single Trump policy in a public EO signing ceremony as a first order of business in order to fix anything.

  • I’m not redefining anything, I’m just pointing out that intelligence is not as narrow as most people assume, it’s a broad term that encompasses various gradations.

    “I’m not redefining anything, I’m just insisting that my definition of the term is the only correct one.”

    You’re running a motte-and-bailey here. First you say someone else is definitively “not correct” in their usage of the term, and then you go on to make a more easily defensible argument of “well who is to say what the meaning of the term truly is? It’s a very gray area”.

    Then 99% of animal species would not qualify as intelligent.

    By some definitions, certainly…and that’s the whole point.

    You may rightfully argue that term AI is too broad and that we could narrow it down to mean specifically “human-like” AI, but the truth is, that at this point, in computer science AI already refers to a wide range of systems, from basic decision-making algorithms to complex models like GPTs or neural networks.

    I think taken as a whole the term “AI” has more meaning if you take both words in the phrase into account together rather than separately.

    For instance, computer opponents in early video games naturally fit the moniker “AI” because even though it obviously does not possess intelligence in the general sense of the term, the developers are trying to artificially fool you into thinking it does.

    Ultimately, it’s probably futile to try to rescue the phrase from the downward spiral it is on into meaninglessness, but I do not believe the word “intelligence” necessarily needs to spiral down in concert.

  • I’m saying that not every bad thing the GOP does is an act of destruction - like the creation of the executive orders Biden destroyed

    The simple act of “creating an executive order” isn’t an act of creation / improvement in any sense except for perhaps the most literal and pedantic sense.

    Of course it’s as possible to repeal executive orders as it was to issue them in the first place, the point is that much of the damage was already done and some of it is permanent.

    Fuck me - I’m honestly ashamed to share a political tent with such a moron, but better you than the Nazis, I suppose.

    Like we share tents…you’re probably one of the “Genocide Joe” morons.

  • https://www.etymonline.com/word/intelligence

    Simple algorithms are not intelligence. Some modern “AI” we have comes close to fitting some of these definitions, but simple algorithms do not.

    We can call things whatever we want, that’s the gift (and the curse) of language. It’s imprecise and only has the meanings we ascribe to it, but you’re the one who started this thread by demanding that “to say it is not intelligence is incorrect” and I’ve still have yet to find a reasonable argument for that claim within this entire thread. Instead all you’ve done is just tried to redefine intelligence to cover nearly everything and then pretended that your (not authoritative) wavy ass definition is the only correct one.

  • I gave the more specific example of destroying Republican legislation, and either you’re too dishonest to acknowledge that, or too stupid to understand. Why be like this?

    Yes I’m too stupid. “Why be like this?” indeed.

    How about instead of a weirdo list of things you’ve randomly assembled, we take the actual subject of this original post into consideration?

    The reason they haven’t re-united the families is largely that there were no records and/or shitty records kept about who was separated from whom, so they don’t know who the children’s parents are.

    Yet another example of how it’s easier to make a situation worse than it is to improve it. It’s much easier to separate families and bus the people in them around the country, and it’s harder to figure out whose 4-year-old some kid is.

  • I largely agree. However, it’s not 100% of humanity that cannot handle the advent of social media.

    A large portion of the population does actually know what’s happening.

    Some of the people pushing the lies (e.g. the FEMA crap), even know that they’re creating or redistributing AI generated garbage, but they are actively participating in the perpetuation of the falsehoods and purposefully becoming detached from reality.

    All of this is what makes it so surreal to me (and arguably worse than before). A large portion of the public knows that what is being pushed is a complete fabrication and it continues anyway.

    It was easier to argue ignorance in the past (after the war a lot of people argued that they didn’t even know that the holocaust was happening). I don’t know that we could make the same argument this go around.