Like the Nokia N900 did back in 2004 - except it was a real mobile OS (but fully yours)
Like the Nokia N900 did back in 2004 - except it was a real mobile OS (but fully yours)
But this isn’t really a meme. Just a screenshot of madness.
Various XMPP clients are an inconsistent and hard to use ** mess, compared to the likes of Signal and Whatsapp
Element and Element X (curenntly using) are indeed buggy and I can xo firm that much. The sign-up and verification is, tbh anti-user, it’s an intransparent process with too many steps, too many pitfalls, and the ecosystem is never gonna gain traction with this as a flagship experience. Element X is sadly not doing better overall. The constant red or black or grey shield over each message, which one can never get to green somehow? Three kinds of verification codes/mechanisms to understand and manage? That is for nerds, as much as it pains me to say. Signal is not “for nerds”. The signup-process is not complicated. It’s not dead simple, but easy enough. But it’s a centralised service, all in the hands of a single entity. Enough said. Migrating to a new device is hell. It now also has account names, in addition to phone numbers. But please show me where it says you can officially create an account and use it without restriction, while never providing a phone number. An incredibly simple, one-step signon like here in Arcanechat? It’s the kind of stuff that the vast majority of users love. Nothing to think about, nothing to understand, just use. Secure, as in bot-proof? No idea, probably not.
And that’s not just this one - thats 90% of all available dating-services
Yeah, and I’ve never understood why that is. How come you have to build a custom hardware abstraction layer for each device separately on ARM chips?