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Cake day: June 21st, 2023


  • If we assume “half a day” is 4 hours, and 500 pounds. That’s 125 pounds per hour. Which isn’t the worst rate. Assuming it’s actually capped at 4 hours and we all know that if it’s your dad’s friend, this is not going to be a set and forget kind of thing. So that 4 hours quickly becomes 10. And suddenly you’re down to 50 pounds per hour. And then if it’s actually static and simple and good, you still have high odds of getting insane feedback demanding changes to make it worse. A motherfucking website would actually be the best option, but wouldn’t get you paid. At that point youre just doing it for the lols.

    But ultimately, this isn’t even about the rate or how much time this will take. this whole scenario depends heavily on the son here. Is the son unemployed and living in dad’s basement for free? Then yeah. Sorry, he should probably take any work he can get for any rate he can get. His dad gets a lot more say in how things work financially if the son is relying on him financially. But if the son is already working a full time job and living in his own house? Then no, I don’t care what the rate is. Don’t commandeer other people’s time. Don’t make deals that people haven’t agreed to. Come to me with opportunities, not demands.

  • bisby@lemmy.worldtoScience Memes@mander.xyz*Ackshually*
    4 months ago

    If we’re ackshually things, lets cover the references to the lake of fire in the bible.

    In revelations 19:20, there is the beast and the false prophet being tossed into the lake of fire.

    In revelations 20:9, a bunch of people are explicitly consumed by fire from heaven. Consumed, not burned forever.

    Then in revelations 20:10, the devil is added to the lake of fire with the beast and false prophet, and those three burn forever. But not the common folk.

    Lastly, in revelations 20:13-15, hades and death give up their dead, and people are judged. Bad people are tossed into the lake of fire, explicitly labeled as a second death, but not mentioned as being eternal torment.

    So in conclusion, the devil himself is spending eternity burning in the lake of “fire” (not lava or magma, nor is it underground, this is the apocalypse, this is happening on the surface of the planet that is being bombarded with heavenly shit), he’s not doing any torturing there. He is also not the one sending people there, and sinners don’t burn forever, they die when cast into the fire.

  • bisby@lemmy.worldtoScience Memes@mander.xyzEquality
    4 months ago

    Both sides are being unbearably obstinate here.

    The teacher’s meaning is clear and the kid should just answer what is being asked, not what is being said. So the kid is in the wrong. If you’re smart enough to be this clever, just answer the question.

    The teacher says “You are wrong, failed” when the kid is technically correct, instead of clarifying the intent of the question. So the teacher is in the wrong. “Clever, but you know what I meant” solves the problem. “You get an A in math and an F in interpreting language”

    On the flip side, I had a cousin who had a question on a test: “What is the largest SI prefix” … he answered “yotta” (which at the time was the largest)… And got it wrong. because the “correct” answer was “mega”. Because that was the largest the class had learned about at the time, and the teacher was very inflexible on this; they acknowledged that yotta was the largest, but my cousin had learned about it outside of class, so it couldn’t be an acceptable answer. The teacher couldn’t possibly fathom marking “mega” right for students who had only context from the classroom and also marking “yotta” right for students who had done independent research. No, the question was IMPLIED to be “what is the largest SI prefix [that we have covered in class]” and anything else was wrong.

  • bisby@lemmy.worldtoScience Memes@mander.xyzLove
    7 months ago

    e^x and 7 were walking down the street having a nice chat, when in the distance, they see a derivative walking towards them. 7 panics, turns and runs in the opposite direction. e^x is smug and walks right up. “Hi, I’m e^x” it boldly declares to the derivative. The derivative smiles back, “Hi, I’m dy/dt”

  • Yeah. people raising complaints in bad faith is a problem. If they say “I have a problem with ‘early’ too” and the reason is just “i dont like it”. then sure. I’d agree this is a person being a problem. This is a phrase that is directly traceable to master/slave via bitkeeper. Its not just “someone is grasping at straws trying to be offended at random words that are completely unrelated”. And things can get stuck in your head. You might think of this conversation every time you git checkout master going forward. So a person affected by slavery, thinking of slavery everytime a word about slavery is used feels pretty understandable. It’s not completely upfront, so if things don’t change it’s not going to cause someone to change careers. This is a VERY low impact change. It’s going to make 1% of people’s life 0.1% better. It will also make 0% of people’s life worse at all. It is a net benefit.

    A person with 3 legitimate complaints is not a problem. You gave an example of a person with 1 legitimate complaints and 2 random complaints.

    To me, it sounds like you’re saying “Black people complain about being oppressed too much, sure maybe they have some valid complaints, but the word doesn’t bother ME so therefore this is just unfair whining.” You don’t see the severity of it, so therefore its not severe.

    You seem pretty insistent on not wanting to change because you don’t want to have to bend the knee and change just because someone told you to change. And I seem to think that this is a (very minor but nonzero) net benefit in the world, so the world gets better if we do it, not because we have to and someone is telling us to, but because why not. I don’t think we’re going to see eye to eye on this, so agree to disagree.

  • The issue is that no one is taking my words out of context to get offended. No one is getting offended because I said things. They are getting offended because of their own situation, that I just happened to have brought up. If someone in the military had PTSD because someone yelled “Duck!” and then a grenade blew up right near them, so now they have panic attacks anytime they hear someone loudly say duck. That isn’t them “taking the word duck out of context” that is “the word duck affects their brain differently.” No one is saying that using the word master makes you a mean malicious person. No one is accusing you of being on the attack trying to hurt people when you use a word without realizing how it impacts others. If a military vet was like “hey I have severe anxiety when someone says duck, can we say ‘leave early’ instead of ‘duck out early’”. I would be like “oh shit, i didnt realize. my bad, yeah, of course” not “YOURE TAKING MY WORDS OUT OF CONTEXT I HAVE THE RIGHT TO USE THOSE WORDS”. If you know the word hurts others and then you double down and insist on using it, then yeah, you’re on the attack because clearly you don’t care that you are hurting people.

    It’s pretty easy to tell a good faith argument most of the time. You don’t need to just blindly accept the opinion of all people. “Hey this word is heavily associated with slavery and makes people think of slavery” is pretty striaghtforward. Thats not a purely bad faith argument.

    I don’t know all who you think is “insisting” on the “master/main” change. Everyone I’ve talked to has been like “yeah, if we could that’s cool.” or likened it to more of a “its like if someone reminded you daily of that time you accidentally called the teacher ‘mom’ … having it go away would be nice, but if it doesn’t oh well.” No one is crying over it or making demands. The only “insisting” is just people questioning why the slight suggestion results in so much pushback.

    It seems like your only reason to not change is “because someone asked me to and I’m too stubborn and reject any decision that wasn’t my own.” At least “changing a branch name on the worlds largest repo has consequences” is a valid reason. But “I refuse to listen to others”… cmon.

  • I don’t know the history of who started the master/main debate. if it was a bunch of white people trying to show how progressive they were while black programmers were like “yeah, we don’t care”, then it’s virtue signaling. If it was the black programmers being like “this phrase feels weird to us… can we change it?” … then it’s not virtue signalling, it’s listening to underrepresented voices. I legitimately don’t know which scenario it is. I’m also not in a position where the word bothers me at all, but I also have an easy life, and if someone tells me a word used in a certain way feels weird and I can resolve that with 0 effort (ie, switch new projects to main), I will.

    And of course about the retroactive changing, which is why I said I wouldn’t expect linux to change.

  • Thats not the only definition though. It’s clearly the intended one, but it’s possible to make someone think of other definitions when a word pops up.

    And it’s not too hard to go “Oh, I get why alternate definitions might make people uncomfortable, even if I have no issue with it.” And if you can see why someone might be uncomfortable in a situation, and it’s zero effort to avoid that situation… why not?

    Unless you’re intentionally trying to not understand, or lack empathy and genuinely can’t understand why words with alternate definitions heavily linked to slavery might make people uncomfortable, it feels pretty self explanatory.

    I’ll give Linus a pass, because linux kernel is probably the most widely accessed repo out there, and changing defaults and standards can have an actual impact on third party tooling.