I assume soda and other bottled drinks are included in this warning, as well as any other container lined with plastic, and I think some canned drinks and food are….which, uh, sucks.
I assume soda and other bottled drinks are included in this warning, as well as any other container lined with plastic, and I think some canned drinks and food are….which, uh, sucks.
I’m in the process of switching to Proton too. I just opened the account; haven’t taken additional steps of switching login emails associated with all of my other accounts, yet. I’ll probably start with giving the new account to local grassroots organizations, first.
I’d like to learn more about what people have to say too!
I haven’t heard of those! Do you recommend?
I’m so glad you asked! It feels good to find kinship and community in this way!
Honestly—this is going to sound really woo-woo, but I’m not trying to—I encourage you to take the journey to find the resources yourself. Trust that your own curiosity will lead you to the right entry point and the right format for your mindset and life experiences, whether it’s book, movie, YouTube short, poem, or audiobook. The right teacher will appear when you ask the right questions. I can recommend the book that started me on this journey, but it may not resonate with you and you could lose interest.
But if you really don’t know where to start, I started with the audiobook version of Braiding Sweetgrass, and paid attention to her lessons on reciprocity and living life directed by the lessons of plants. I then moved on to Restoring the Kinship Worldview, and now I’m listening to Sand Talk. I’m also looking for documentaries.
Good luck on your journey! Let’s see how many others we can invite along with us!
I completely agree with all of your points. It’s really hard to break out of the belief that it’s far more comfortable at home, that other people are scary, that you don’t know how to meet people, etc., but you know what’s more scary?
Being absolutely and utterly alone.
It doesn’t have to be this way. We cannot thrive and become whole humans like this. We cannot save ourselves from tyranny like this. Making a bunch of comments online is not making real change out there.
I really hope we can figure out how to bring back third spaces/the commons, and soon.
“Amending this bill to require the Ten Commandments be made of bulletproof kevlar may actually be useful as a shield from gun violence, a real problem Texans face,” Samuels said.
Savage. Beautiful.
This isn’t directed at you specifically but at anyone who comes across these comments, and I’m including this information here because it directly influenced my initial comment above:
I’ve been doing a lot of listening to indigenous worldview and learning of indigenous values. It has really helped me identify where western civilization and culture has been lacking for millennia, but especially over the last few centuries.
I’ve come to understand that the damage starts when we are young when we learn that nature is an “it” without needs and that we cannot rely on or trust other people. We learn to either dominate or make ourselves small in our daily relationships in order to feel safe when we should be seeing the world and one another as gifts to be explored and shared.
It takes some listening and reflecting to figure out that what you’ve been taught is dangerous. I’m currently trying to figure out how I can learn more of these perspectives and also build a stable and trusting community around me.
I think that’s where we need to do the work to try and undo what’s happening both at the national level and in those who are supporting authoritarianism.
I’ll get off my soapbox now, but I wanted to share in case it resonated with anyone else.
That’s my hope: Americans get fed up with this and fight for our rights and needs.
But I’m worried that propaganda will continue to placate the masses.
So much for “government financial efficiency.“
This is detrimental to community, especially community organizing against fascism.
Like it or not, community is shown to improve mental health.
I’ve been listening to a lot of indigenous teachings on community. It’s really impactful.
What the absolute fuck.
I noticed this phrasing as well. Our government is taking this money from the poorest half of its citizens, and Trump either doesn’t know that or is intentionally clouding the waters for those who still dont know what tariffs are.
I’m frustrated at the ultra-zoom-in of the charts. The stock isn’t even back down to what it was last year, yet.
There is a lot further to go.
“Nazi-like salute…”
We’re on our way to state-sanctioned physical and emotional torture. They won’t stop at trans people, or gay people, either. When one group loses their rights, everyone does.
Women choose the bear. The bear kills for survival. Men degrade women as a grotesque show of unearned power.
Good. We Americans need to learn the lesson that, in fact, we are not, have never been, and cannot be individualists. We are dependent on our neighbors: personally, nationally, and internationally.
We also need to learn that we cannot sustain ourselves by constantly taking: taking from each other, taking from nature, and taking from the future generations. We have become a nation of consumers, not citizens, and that is morally wrong. We expect to take with no consequences, and that’s just not how Earth works.
they rewrote his comments to apply only to “Hamas” even though that’s not what he said.
…Jesus fucking Christ.
Correct me if I’m wrong because I’m ignorant about the details, but support of Palestinian citizens and and advocating AGAINST mass murder of civilians and children is not the same as supporting Hamas and the attack Hamas initiated, right??
Like. I’d protest in opposition to the random (or not so random) bombings of American hospitals and neighborhoods without being in support the Trump administration.
Yeah, our civilization deserves to fall.