I write code and play games and stuff. My old username from reddit and HN was already taken and I couldn’t think of anything else I wanted to be called so I just picked some random characters like this:

>>> import random
>>> ''.join([random.choice("abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789") for x in range(5)])

My avatar is a quick doodle made in KolourPaint. I might replace it later. Maybe.


Alt: [email protected]

  • 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: September 22nd, 2023


  • I don’t have a complete solution, but I do have some ideas:

    • Have you tried hooking it up to an external monitor? Sometimes auto-config can help you recover from weird states if you plug in a different display.
    • On my Deck, I can reach a terminal by using CTRL-ALT-F4 that is separate from the main desktop mode (CTRL-ALT-F1 switches back). Default user seems to be called “deck”. You may need to set a password to use sudo. I am not sure exactly how the desktop environment is set up on the Deck so I am not sure exactly what you need to change or where the files would be – maybe check under /usr/share/X11/xorg.conf.d to see if anything is set to an insane value there?
    • You might try sending Valve a support request
    • As a last resort, you could try a factory reset. You’ll nuke everything else on it too though…

  • It probably makes more sense to host your novel somewhere else and post links to it chapter by chapter.

    I’d suggest doing one of the following:

    1. Host the images on a site that already supports image galleries and link to that. Most image hosts are kind of annoying, but this is an understandable way to do it if you don’t want to run a website. (Maybe someone can chime in with a suggestion for whatever they think is the least annoying image gallery host in 2023.)
    2. Host the images yourself on a simple website. Webcomic artists have been doing that for many years, so there are lots of examples to draw from. (e.g. Gunnerkrigg Court)
    3. Zip the images up chapter by chapter and either self-host the zip or toss it on a file host like catbox.moe. If you structure it as a .cbz (i.e. zip up a folder with the images named in order like 1.jpg, 2.jpg, 3.jpg, … and just change the extension from .zip to .cbz) then a number of document viewers (like evince) can be used to view the image sequence – or people can just unpack the images and use their favorite image viewer on their computer.

  • I think they’re specifically wondering if using @@ mention syntax will result in a notification popping up for the user on Lemmy.

    I’ve been wondering that too (in the context of threads though) – and if it does work, are there limitations regarding visibility between instances that people should be aware of. e.g. what happens if I @ someone in a post to a community on a lemmy server that is defederated from their home instance? Or, in a community that no one on their home server has subscribed to? Will they still get a notice?

    I guess I don’t really have a good mental model for how @ works on the Fediverse.

  • No way is AI going to end capitalism.

    In the medium term we will end up with AI corporations. I already consider existing corporations to be human-based swarm intelligences – they’re made up of people but their overall large scale behavior is often surprising and we already anthropomorphize them as having will and characteristic behaviors separate from the people they’re made of. AI corporations are just the natural evolution of existing corporations as they continue down the path of automation. To the extent they copy the existing patterns of behavior, they will have the same general personality.

    Their primary motive will be maximizing profit since that’s the goal they will inherit from the existing structure. The exact nature of that depends on the exact corporation that’s been fully cyberized and different corporations will have different takes on it as a result. They are unlikely to give any more of a damn about individual people than existing corporations do since they will be based on the cyberization of existing structures, but they’re also unlikely to deliberately go out of their way to destroy humanity either. From the perspective of a corporation – AI-based or traditional – humanity is a useful resource that can be exploited; there isn’t much profit to be gained from wiping it out deliberately.

    Instead of working for the boss, you’ll be working for the bot – and other bots will be figuring out exactly how much they can extract from you in rent and bills and fees and things without the whole system crashing down.

    That might result in humanity getting wiped out accidentally; humanity has wiped out plenty of species due to greed and shortsightedness. I doubt it will be intentional if they do though.

  • A vote on kbin/lemmy is closer to a retweet than to a vote on reddit in terms of its potential impact on folks. You are publicly saying you support/do not support a post by voting on it (which might be taken as publicly thanking someone with an upvote or publicly saying fuck you with a downvote in some contexts); that can be a workable system, but it’s surprising if you’re coming from reddit where basically no one but the admins (and whoever they told/sold the data to) actually knows what you voted up/down.

    Hell, consider all the drama around “YOU DOWNVOTED ME!!” / “No I didn’t!” BS that was so common even when it was just suspected – now it can be confirmed (again, for better or worse), for kbin users. I was on reddit for a long time and just thinking about that crap makes me feel tired… -.- Downvoting on kbin is potentially picking a fight every time. The end result is that I’ve basically never downvoted anything except some spam bots. I don’t need that shit in my life again – even for some of the posts that I think really should be downvoted, I’m just ignoring now. (Not getting into it further. Don’t ask. I won’t respond.)

    If your IRL identity is associated with your account (or can be figured out eventually…), upvoting something really spicy could also end up causing you the same kind of drama IRL as retweeting or commenting strongly on the post – e.g. job loss, loss of business, targeted harassment/violence campaigns, loss of friends/romantic partners, etc…

    I really don’t need more drama in my life, so I’m a bit more mindful of how I’m voting (for better or worse) and some stuff I probably would’ve voted on before, I am just leaving alone now.

  • Yeah, I had a mixed reaction to finding that out a while ago, but I’m kind of just rolling with it for now. Votes are just simply NOT private on here, for better or worse. My feeling right now is that it’s sort of positive from a community feel perspective, but I’m also avoiding interacting with a lot of subjects I consider more controversial.

    Probably we’ll end up developing a culture of either lots of alts used simultaneously, short lived accounts with regular name changes, or both as people become more aware of this. Either that or people will just say “Fuck it. You really want to see all the weird porn I like and my political preferences and what not? Don’t blame me if you regret looking!” :p

  • I was getting 404 on /login itself for a while, and then finally got the login page after seeing this thread. Logging in at that point returned a 404 after submitting the login form – but it did actually succeed at logging in, it just didn’t redirect me correctly to the main page.

    After logging in, I’m still seeing tons of 50x errors. e.g. had to reload the “reply” link about a dozen times to get the comment submission form to show up; I think something is timing out when I get that sort of error. Maybe that’s part of what “For the next few hours, there might be issues with communication in the fediverse.” means in ernest’s message?

    I’m also seeing 404 when I go to https://kbin.social/newest?p=2 – which is rather strange since https://kbin.social/newest?p=3 works.