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Cake day: July 7th, 2023

  • One of those are kept as pets by a large majority of people while the others are mostly kept as food sources.

    I don’t think it’s fair that the small minority of people that prefer not to eat livestock act callous towards those that oppose eating dog and generally don’t care about peppa and friends.

    Not everyone has the gift to to think about the nature of their reality and all the tiny details that make up our decisions in this world but everyone does have the capacity for empathy.

  • Did you watch the video? It’s an AA program that works. Yeah we used to have places to send them but as mentioned they were full of abuse. We need simple people treating other people. No ego tripping maniacs that want to test on patients. Therefore no psychiatrists. Just a drug abuse and misuse specialist.

    I honestly don’t know about the determination part pops.

    Their brain is determined for more dope that’s for sure, it’s not magic. They simply made their brain into a different structure by chronically abusing drugs. The blood brain barrier becomes shit because heroin rips through it, no more special chemicals like oxytocin or the feeling ones like endorphins. A husk of your former self.

    This can be fixed but it’s a long and arduous process and may I remind you that we have reached epidemic levels of addiction and abuse. That’s a lot of people.

    War on drugs is sending them to jail and not even fixing the problem. If you have a problem with talking mean to crackheads to get them to get into your van and into a treatment facility then I have a feeling we’re gonna be here for a long time.

    Edit: And yeah, I honestly believe that the person who has no sympathy for his fellow citizens and outright sells them what will eventually end their life through addiction and bring pain to their family should just disappear and be put in some hole. Cause a big percent of the time they’re lying to customers and just putting fent in the bitch to purposefully get them hooked or make others hear about their potent product.

    Idk humanity took a wrong turn, and everyone is on the defensive about it instead of wanting to fix it because it seems kinda shitty.

    If the people I am talking about don’t care to not sleep next to their own feces pile, or walk around covered in piss, only have 2 teeth, use needles found on the sidewalk, why should we care about how we get them to comply?

  • There’s some great YouTube videos about a Mexican forced rehabilitation group that picks up people that are fucking up in life and humiliates them and forces them into rehab. 

    Later on they seem to be liking sobriety and appreciative, so I don’t see what’s wrong with picking up a couple of junkies nodding out in public, giving them narcan to ruin their day, and then kick the living recovery into them, then force them to eat nothing but beans and rice for 3 months. Then keep them on a short leash.

    It’s full of camaraderie and think that it’s a good starting point for those that couldn’t find purpose elsewhere.

  • Hear me out guys.

    As a society, or the one we want at least, we’re supposed to care for each other.

    I personally think they should ramp up the war on opiates. Mass terror on those who enable the illicit use of them. All it does is kill our communities and stifle the flourishing ones.

    Weed was proof that the war on drugs was trash. We know that unlike opiates, smoking pot doesn’t completely reinvent your synapses into a drug seeking rat brain. So we all just collectively decided to throw the whole program away.

    Evidently you can’t stop it from coming in through the borders but I feel like we should enable the seeking of domestic sellers. Just to put them in a nice square box, away from hurting others.

  • They have shittier, cheaper drugs to pump tbh. Various vice documentaries show how redacted ass dealers mix in whatever they can get their hands on. The way third world countries do their drugs might come to the US, and I don’t think anyone has yet to realize how cushy the drug scene really is up here.

    Recent documentary covers a drug called Tusi, which is meant to sound like 2C, as in 2C-B. It is everything except 2C-B. A mixture of fentanyl meth ketamine and whatever they feel like on that day. People absolutely love it. Do they care about what’s really in it? No.

    If you want to end your life and turn it into abhorrent trash, what is stopping you from walking downtown and finding a cool cat in the alley selling horse?

    Personally think the war on drugs is fucked, when you’re talking about stoner Doug. No one deserves the butt of a rifle for pot. But hey, I don’t think anyone minds when the local fent dealer disappears.

  • They want to make the people think that them pump jacks out there are good for ‘em. Get rid of the stigma behind oil pollution.

    Just recently an earthquake was felt all the way in west Texas after it originated near Odessa/Midland. Someone with critical thinking skills will say “oh that’s bad, the fracking is causing earthquakes we should investigate further” vs the mind numbness that they want which consists of “let’s keep goin till something bad happens yeah?”

    I wonder what their ground water is like out there. I hear the air has a certain chemical smell to it too.

  • As a Texan I’m so thankful that my science books in elementary school talked about the ozone hole and the ones in middle school talked about the big bad man made CFC chemicals that caused it.

    Heck, the last cool thing I remember was Al Gore being on the near back of the book talking about climate change hahahahaha.

    Growing up it always seemed so weird to see the news talking about the south as an ass-on-backwards place where people were uneducated when we were taught the theory of evolution, chemistry, and forced to read books that are banned in some places today.

    Idk, I honestly believe these guys in charge are all the dudes that got called dumb nepo babies by close friends, like they need to prove that their version of things (the version where god cares about what you do with your dick and hates if you like wearing skirts) must also be true since it has landed them so much success.

    Selling your spine was what made you so successful. You meritless, stupid bastards.