“and we were young once, and sang songs about not giving a fuck, acting like we had some guts, well how 'bout now?”

  • 8 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 7th, 2023


  • Grower here: Definitely thrips.

    They’re very easy to deal with when their numbers are still low, but get considerably more difficult as they continue to breed, and they breed rapidly in the right conditions.

    I can offer advice on how to deal with them, but since my experience is with commercial crops, it’ll depend on how much work you’re willing to put into it or how much you’re willing to spend.


    Blue sticky traps work very well at trapping them when they’ve reached the winged stages of their development. This will help slow down the breeding cycle, and also give you an idea of how bad the infestation is.

    There are many commercially available predatory insects you can purchase, in varying price ranges, that will help keep their numbers in check.

    Spraying with a product that contains the bacterial biological control agent Spinosad can be an effective knock down and it’s also been shown to have very low toxicity to the thrips’ natural predators.

  • Nothing as profound as what you described there…
    But… The Last Of Us was an experience for me…

    I hadn’t played a “new” game in about 8-10 years at that point, so the huge increase in development was mind blowing to me.
    But really, the intensity of the story is what really did it for me. I legit got teary eyed in the intro, and then the burning restaurant scene made me ball my eyes out…

    Phenomenal fucking game

    Or, to bring it back to my youth… The Illusion of Gaia was probably the first game I played that made me feel things. That was so long ago, and I was so young when that came out that being specific about it is hard. But I think I really related with the main character, and I remember really feeling things during the lost-at-sea raft scene.

    I might need to go find the ROM now…

    **Or, to go a bit further back, Dragon Warrior.
    That was the first game I ever played that really captivated me. It was the first RPG I ever played, and even tho the storyline is incredibly basic and cliche, it was the first time I experienced a story at all in a video game. It’s definitely the reason that I prefer fantasy RPGs over every other type of game

  • Like clockwork, every year. Usually happens 2 or 3 weeks both before and after the winter solstice.

    I try to make sure I’m getting plenty of vitamin D. And I try to make sure I’m getting outside for a bit everyday. Exercise helps a lot too - anything that’ll get your blood flowing and heart pumping.

    I also make a rule for myself that I’m not allowed to make any big decisions or big commitments during that time of year because the depression can cloud my judgement. Not making commitments is hard with the holidays tho, so if I have to I also leave myself a way out of them if needed. I’ve become an expert at giving a “definite maybe” in response to commitments lol