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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: September 7th, 2023


  • “Arab spring …” So you cite an example of social activism that disastrously failed (by your own admission) to justify a similar action by your hand?

    Even then it doesn’t disprove that individuals that contribute more are statistically more likely to be noticed when absent. If you want to have an impact, especially a positive one, it helps to not have anger as your sole motivator.

    “So there is no ruling class”

    What exactly is a ruling class to you? There will always be a deciding group. Even in anarcho-fantasies that rule by consensus there will always be a small group that refuses to negotiate, they become the ruling class in that circumstance. So do they get deported to an archipelago for refusing to come to a consensus? Don’t the deporters become the ruling class then?

    Any sort of organized society outside of intimate groups needs some sort of hierarchical decision making. It’s one thing to advocate for positions to be more logically allocated, and another to be completely destroyed.

    “Don’t put words in my fucking mouth”

    I’m impressed that you aren’t apparently a hypocrite by holding others to a logical standard that you don’t follow. Unfortunately that logical standard is that being angry justifies spreading textual diarrhea all over Lemmy.

  • “I quoted a source”

    I can smash on a keyboard and then write a citation to whatever nonsense comes. An intelligent person cross-references it with well established facts, and then decides if it’s probably true.

    The idea that US support for Israel started in the 80s is refuted by hundreds of data points in Israeli history.

    “It’s rude and uncalled for”

    It’s totally called for. You could literally have read the Wikipedia on history of modern Israel and seen that it was patently false.

  • How do you abolish the profit motive? It’s literally just the motivation to benefit from a transaction.

    “Put the ruling class in work camps”

    So create another ruling class to imprison these people? Do the new ruling class have to be subject to imprisonment as well? What about the dictatorship of the proletariat, that is now oppressing the previously wealthy? Shouldn’t they also be subject to imprisonment for abuses?

    “At least that way my vote might mean something”

    And it will mean more depending on how much you contribute to society.

    “I’m so tired and angry all the time”

    So am I. I’m so tired and angry, I have no recourse but to criticise you. Oh, that’s not a legitimate reason, you say? My mood doesn’t justify my behaviour you say?

  • Started? How geopolitically ignorant are you? A considerable portion of the IDF’s armaments (including over 100 fighter jets) during the Yom Kippur War were flown in from the US. This was seven years before Reagan. The entirety of Israel’s existence has just been the US and France dumping weapons. (Israel didn’t indigenously make it’s nuclear weapons, they came from France’s nuclear projects, just like how the Kfir wasn’t built using Israel’s non-existent aerospace industry).

  • “Safe drinking pewter existences”

    I know dipshit, unlike you I know not to eat 2kg of tuna a day. Whom am I talking to Karen Wetterhahn ca. 1997?1 The fact that pewter can be lead-free has no effect on the insult because pewter is classically a lead alloy and is generally considered as such in common parlance.

    “Should I get you some crayons…you can draw a picture”

    What is this? Everyone in the military knows that Marines eat crayons, how come a witticist as yourself can’t even seem to rise to the level of people who score a 70 on a grade 8 test?

    1. That’s how you do a neurological damage insult, not making weak and cliche references, and then jerking yourself off over how intelligent you are when it’s pointed out.

  • “It is killing a being that isn’t alive yet”

    Excuse me, how do you kill something that isn’t alive yet? You are literally so stupid that you made a clear contradiction within a single sentence.

    You realise that awareness is not the criteria for life? I would even argue (much more effectively than you, or most moral philosophers) that the wrongness of killing doesn’t come from possessing a temporary state of awareness, but being an entity that will possess this temporary state in the future. If the former was actually true, then killing anyone would be permissible so long as you did it fast enough that the total pattern of behaviour didn’t meet some definition of consciousness. But I’m running far ahead of myself, you didn’t even make any argument remotely as coherent as the one I just refuted.

    “At the point where it is legal anywhere”

    This is actually false, the majority of jurisdictions in the US and worldwide do ban 3rd trimester abortions, but you claimed that all of them don’t allow abortion past a point of awareness. So I would like to point you to New Mexico’s criminal code, where abortion up to birth for any reason is not classified as a crime(aka it’s legal in case you are too stupid to realize that).

    “Also abortion is quite critical to women’s lives”

    You are confusing edge cases where it may be critical to someone’s life and asserting it to be the norm when it simply isn’t. Chemotherapy is critical to some people’s lives, it would be false to assert that the everyday individual makes decisions based upon obtaining it.

    You either are severely intoxicated or have actual brain damage. Your statements are dumber and less coherent than the standard propaganda that you should have just copy-pasted.

  • It’s simply a matter of selecting relevant statistics.

    “Belittle the pain and turmoil”

    Bit melodramatic aren’t we? People experience “pain and turmoil”, regardless of what state they live in. I love how pro-choice people have to portray abortion restrictions as modern-day Auschwitz, because they solely want to permit the active killing of human beings for any reason. That’s all this entire conversation is about, it’s not about accuracy it’s about the fact that it doesn’t endorse the narrative that abortion is critical to women’s lives. That’s the only reason anyone here has a problem with it.

    “Makes me giggle everytime”

    If you haven’t held personal conversations with hundreds of people in your lifetime, you’re just socially inept. This isn’t a difficult task, and nowhere did I claim this happened simultaneously. I was merely referencing the fact that out of hundreds of people I’ve interacted with, only a handful referenced marijuana laws (basically just hardcore potheads) and zero abortion laws as the primary reasons for moving. I even threw in gun laws, even though I’ve never actually known someone who primarily moved because of them.