Good thing I never use mine to sign up for any ‘free’ services.
Hi guy
Good thing I never use mine to sign up for any ‘free’ services.
The sites headline misses key words that COMPLETELY change what the content of the article is about:
…aim to unite In Preparation for Resisting…
I have bash_alias open in another window so you can see:
ls='ls -alph --group-directories-first --color=always'
root='sudo rm -f / \ hunter2'
ls /root/
I’m in!
I hope you don’t keep the kids down there…
But, it is a nice desk set.
I use shizuku which allows for shell and hidden api access forother apps. That can be used to deny permission to other apps.
App-ops by the same Dev has a clipboard monitor that notifies every time an app tries to access.
It also allows per app denial
Yell louder while providing nothing useful to say.
Things exist. Things you may not know about.
Questions exist.
They are used to ask questions.
There’s only one person stomping around in this post. It isn’t OP.
A dictionary I found from the future has this entry:
Google: the once not evil garage-based company that inspired hope in the dream that information wants to be free that decided to redeem its principals and innovative spirit to enrich a few cunts, invade the privacy of everyone, and enshitify the internet. Near its end it fed into the shareholder zeitgeist while completely ignoring the needs and wants of the users.
If you haven’t already, you can turn on automatic uodates in Mint.
Next time the update icon shows up, go to preferences from the menu and you can allow it to automatically update. You’ll still occasionally see the update icon but it usually self updates daily.
You can set flatpak, normal updates and spices (cinnamon applets) independently.
And the liquid cooling has leaked all over the desk.
If money is speech, then bullets are as well.
I’d like to have a ‘word’ with some billionaires.
Check your exposure and how to limit it:
And more at:
Not all browsers are the same.
I had an incident when my barber decided to use online appointment booking using Calendy.
For reasons, I often search for some of my emails and aliases.
To my delight, my first name and an email address was publicly visible along with the conversation.
Calendy made some corrections to their service soon after.
Trust no service to be secure.
Use a disposable/junk email address that doesn’t connect to anything secure or you need kept private like bank accounts etc
Why you are being downvoted is amazing. This is a legitimate question of privacy. And it’s one that too many blindly trust in a service just because it says it can be trusted.
Lone wolfs are lone.
Unorganized chaos v a movement with leadership easily targeted.
People with nothing left to lose are not just those the public has normally ostracized. They include very intelligent, very motivated people.
It only takes one person to act.
Revolution often doesn’t involve the moderate or uninformed.
When the power elite have no idea from where or when they might be deposed, that could be a much more powerful tool than an uprising easily suppressed by jack boots and tear gas.
Good question.
One source (2023) says
That quantity is estimated to produce about two million grams of cocaine, the publication reported. Today, according to pharmaceutical listings online, that’s worth about US$2 billion
??? That’s … Not right
Bulk value 50 million for 2 million g (2000kg). Going by my (likely now outdated) last known value for a key at around 25k.
They’re saying it’s 1000$/g?!?
Am I tired or are these numbers just completely bonkers?
I don’t care if it’s the purest shit, that is insane.
Just adding to the confusion when that’s already what musk’s site is.
Jokes aside, probably a little bit, and then a lot.
Guess we’ll see who has more sway: the folks who think diseases are a hoax, those who only care about profit, or the people doing the science.
Probably doesnt help when the first group is being funded and fed disinfo by the second group.
I was hoping it was because they wanted to get to the other side.
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