Nothing to do with the euroNCAP guidance that came out earlier in the year, of course.
Nothing to do with the euroNCAP guidance that came out earlier in the year, of course.
Fucking idiot enlon…
That idea is beautiful in theory, but useless in practice.
Mate, why are you insisting in a verifiably failed strategy? It has been done. It has not worked.
This is one of the cases where compromises will not work.
Why the fuck are you ignoring that? Why? Why are you pressing on “talks” with Russia? You fucking sound like trump. What is your interest? Do you think that selling their sovereignty is acceptable? Because that’s what the USA and Russia want.
Fuck off! We’re never going to agree so you might as well just leave it.
When will they learn??
I’m not sure you’re just being stubborn or really believe that peace treaty crap. War ends one one of the sides is forced into submission and surrender.
Yet you wanna call that a peace treaty like it’s some agreement reached at any time that is not short of annihilating the other guys. At least recently. But, throughout history, many wars ended with the actual annihilation of the other side so now you know what I’m disagreeing with.
If not, what I’m disagreeing with for this case is diplomacy and negotiations. Fuck that and fuck Russia and the USA. Use the money to let Ukraine go berserk.
My point is that history shows it’s not really wise to negotiate, or go for treaties or agreements with Russia.
Whilst strategically it would be good to make the war stop it would only be a temporary and remedial solution not really solving the root cause of the problem.
So why do it?
Do you know what happened last time Ukraine had an agreement with Russia and USA?
Why would they make the same mistake?
Why are you pressing for that as it is it a valid option? Why are you ignoring what Russia and the USA did not so long ago? Are you of the opinion that trump can bring peace to Ukraine quickly?
Why are you so opposed to giving free money to Ukraine?
Ah yes, because negotiations for peace with Russia worked so well for Ukraine before…
And now the USA are tagging in so they can also get the spoils.
Bargaining chips for what? Negotiating peace? A truce? A cease fire? There’s been ample time to do that and here we are.
How its this question still going?
Why hasn’t it been done yet?
Is it me or is murican’s discourse lining up with “bringing democracy to Ukraine by force”?
What in the actual fuck??
Well, if an alien entity did give us some new technology that we didn’t have the science to build or would be an epistemological break and didn’t explain it, it would still exist and it would be the product of something we don’t understand.
I don’t get your point, are you trying to say that if we don’t know how it works, then the entity that created it is magical or something?
An engineer would have been restricted by our current knowledge and processes. An “AI” doesn’t have that kind of hindrance.
Because your point is that it was a fluke, my point is that it was the product of a new kind of way of “thinking” and resolving problems. And compared it to how the human brain solves and resolved problems. We know the parts that are activated, we know how they communicate and transfer data but we have no way to explain how it all produces thoughts and dreams and whatever other processes our brains use to create new things. Or we would have recreated it already.
What I’m saying is that we might have created something new that we don’t know how it does what it does, except is - very crudely explained - the product of probabilities and that’s ok. We don’t have to know how it does what it does, it will still do it.
We also know how “AI” works and how it creates its outputs in the same way we know the brain.
Don’t try to equate having fields of study and experts is definitive knowledge of something, that’s being fallacious.
Well, that’s kind of like the human brain isn’t it? You don’t really know how it does its thing but it does it.
Whereas a born American can just be accused of terrorism and be thrown in jail for god knows how many years?
If you’re not willing to be the change then it doesn’t need changing.
Not my grandfather. He had come through colds, several cases of flu and even pneumonia. COVID got him.
That’s great for you. My grandfather died from it. And he hadn’t died from the common cold or a flu.
Upupanda way.