• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 13th, 2023


  • I can understand why so many programmers suffer from imposter syndrome.

    I know more about SSH than anyone I know, but I still read articles like this and think, “SOCKS proxy. Huh. I don’t actually know what either of those words mean.”

    Before anyone jumps in to educate me on what SOCKS is (please do though!), my point is that through my entire career in tech, I’ve always read articles and had to skim over terms and acronyms that I didn’t know, unless I wanted to fall into a ten-hour rabbit hole of learning, where I ultimately feel totally overwhelmed and not sure I’m actually smarter than when I woke up this morning.

    Seems like an interesting article, but for me to fully grasp it, I’d need to read like six other articles, which I can’t do during my morning coffee/mindless scroll time.

    I’ve taken the approach of learning through osmosis. I’ll regularly read articles that I don’t fully understand, assuming that I’ll eventually gain a better understanding of whatever topic I’m reading about over time.

  • I bought factorio like two years ago and haven’t brought myself to start playing it because I know what will happen.

    I just can’t spare to put off everything on my to-do list for the next 2-6 months while I fall completely into the rabbit hole.

    I learned my lesson with Kerbal Space Program.

  • My wife is of the opinion that a lot of these policies are being designed to make her work environment miserable. One of the main perks of that job is that two of her close friends also work there. The chef recently instituted a policy that the three of them are not to be scheduled on any shifts together because they “talk to each other too much”.

    This shift switch approval policy is new. Before, any shift swich had to be logged in a book, with both employee’s initials. Now, the manager also needs to approve the shift change, and she’s wanting to know why the change is requested, before she decides if she thinks it’s important enough to allow.

    It’s a person with .0001 oz of power, trying to get the most out of it.