It’s probably a me problem, but I ran into some issues with the mount points resetting on reboot.
It’s probably a me problem, but I ran into some issues with the mount points resetting on reboot.
I’ve used Linux on and off for a long time but I’m stuck with Windows for now because redoing my Plex library would be a huge ball-ache.
I mean, he’s a flesh eating, exploitative shitbag, it would be wrong to not hate him, right?
Ah I didn’t know that! Makes sense.
Trump’s based there, Ken Griffin, now Bezos…it’s almost as if they’re moving somewhere that will allow them to make a quick getaway on their mega yachts. Well, except Donny, he’s probably only got a pedalo.
I can’t stand the normalisation of the term “side hustle” when it’s just a capitalist weasel word for having a second job.
Thanks mate, I’ll give that a go.
I was using browser but recently found Memmy. So far, so good. It reminds me of older R apps, which suits me.
It’s the same in Cantonese I think.