The news media here are owned. Those things are happening, but they’re not being reported.
The news media here are owned. Those things are happening, but they’re not being reported.
The United States isn’t a superpower.
It’s just a country with a lot of guns.
In the U.S. we’re taught to brag about how much we’re exploited, as if it’s a virtue.
It’s a very sick culture.
If you’re complaining about gay people, you’re not complaining about us denying you a living wage.
If you’re complaining about transgender people, you’re not complaining about us denying you medical care.
If you’re complaining about furries, you’re not complaining about us denying you education.
I guess we really want you to complain about those things.
Most of us are NOT okay with this.
The government created media infrastructure to isolate people from each other so most of us would not find out. It’s like the Matrix.
A lot of us know and are trying to do things about it.
Those of us who are sane totally get it.