Im Original Artikel ist Linux nur ganz kurz am ende erwähnt, der Titel ist mehr Clickbate als etwas anderes.
memer, linux-user, idk
Im Original Artikel ist Linux nur ganz kurz am ende erwähnt, der Titel ist mehr Clickbate als etwas anderes.
Fate of Atlantis is pretty good
As a kid it was great to have both, they have both multiplayer, with powerups. DiddykongRacing had more Variety in Tracks, with its boats and planes, and Lava,snow and space themed tracks. Both good Games
Steam deck maybe
What a nice story, and yes closed console stores are too expensive.
My frend was asking me for a recomendation for a tablet to game on in ~2019. I bought a cheap office PC and upgraded the CPU to a firstgen like Intel xeon x3440~ and gave him my old gtx1060. Turns out he plays mostly stategy games like old anno, Aoe and citybuilders. (What was his intention to play on Android?). Anyway he has now a decent Ryzen system and 32Gb of RAM.
kind of… a “AMD GX-420GI SOC: quad-core APU” the one with no L3 Cache, in an Thin Client and 8Gb Ram. old Laptop ssd for Storage (128GB) Nextcloud is usable but not fast.
edit: the Best thing: its 100% Fanless