Fuck Bill Clinton. He is the worst Democrat president in my life.
Fuck Bill Clinton. He is the worst Democrat president in my life.
We are in the second Gilded Age
I must admit I’m in my cups right now, but I feel like To the maga proletariat, I don’t even think they go as deep as that. To them it’s more like in group out group thinking, which means you don’t look like me or talk like me so fuck you
It’s funny that you talk about Mass murderers because when the alt right talks about Mass murderers that align with their skin colors it’s usually apologetic
I would never be a Luigi because i couldn’t take a life, but i’d LOVE to have some more Luigis
I have a suspicion that they have a virus that they want to spread and protect themselves from
Is a part of me that wants to go back to Linux just for Mplayer. That blows VLC and mpv out of the water. You could watch movies on a potato with that
i totally misread that
It would be a shame if the rich got eaten. I do not support eating the rich
Take money away from a children’s hospital? I don’t know if that would go over well
Christianity is literally a death cult
Non-specific outrage. What a way to communicate
I guess it really is necessary because there are so many morons now.