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Joined 5 months ago
Cake day: June 1st, 2024


  • all of those religions are intensely misogynist. that’s just the islam flavor abrahamic atrocity. the christian flavor has her dying of ectopic pregnancy after being raped at age 7.

    this is a problem that includes islam, but is not specifically an islam problem. they all fucking do this, and whenever people JUST talk about islam, it always victimizes the least bad muslims, refugees, and vulnerable brown people WHO AREN’T EVEN MUSLIMS, and never, NEVER fixes it, never, NEVER goes after the worst hypermisogynist pedophile pieces of shit petpetuating the atrocities. so when I see people focused on this fucking 2000s era throwback islamophobia it NEVER ends in ‘we must protect people’ it NEVER ends in ‘we must end the evils of religion’, it ALWAYS ends in the ‘war of civilizations’ bullshit that has people who live in my fucking neighborhood defending zionists rioting for their right to rape their victims, because most of their victims are muslim. that has people who live in my fucking neighborhood talking about exterminating the brutes and death camps and hey, who else can we put in those, maybe queers? maybe queers. (they don’t say ‘queers’).

    its why I can’t take any criticism of ISLAM IN PARTICULAR (edit:unless its inclusive of the rest of that group of mind-plagues) seriously. because everything shitty muslims do, shitty christians do just as bad, plus some other crap. hell, a lot of times, their organization names ARE EVEN DIRECT FUCKING TRANSLATIONS OF EACH OTHER. it’s just racism. as bad as I think these fuckers are, you’re not on the same team as me. you just want an excuse to be racist, and I don’t believe you actually give a shit about the victim, she’s just an excuse too. please don’t bring rage against religion into it if you only care about this shit when a religion you mostly associate with brown people does it. its like when qanon started talking about ‘human trafficking’.

  • no but that’s the thing, I see a lot on the internet “religion bad!” (true) turning into “muslims bad!” and letting at-least-as-bad offenders off the hook. that’s the part that bugs me.

    the christians are doing THIS EXACT SAME SHIT in american cities. I walked past the aftermath of some shit like this happening multiple times in my life. it doesn’t even make the news most of the time.

    so yes, they’re monsters, stop them. but lets not SINGLE THEM OUT and let the OTHER, POTENTIALLY WORSE monsters off the hook.

    edit: also, islamophobia in the anglosphere is rarely used to reduce the outrageous horrors of religion, and always used to fuck up marginalized people, so I’m always skeptical of it being a genuine criticism of religion.