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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 19th, 2023


  • I mean, if you write a western with a character called Luke Skywalker, on a planet called coruscant, it’s pretty bad because it’s just shitty writing unless you’re doing a direct spoof.

    Now, a western with Luke Skywalker, on a planet called tatooine, with him as a gunslinger recruited by a marshal to go after a notorious bank robber and killer that turns put to be his dad? That’s good because it’s doing something interesting, but expect to hear lawyers.

    My rule for whether or not something is fair in that regard is who profits.

    A big company, idgaf at all. A single writer/creator, maybe don’t reuse their names because it’s kinda shitty to rip off an actual creator rather than investors. But even then, if you’re not trying to ride their coattails, idgaf

  • There isn’t a single one.

    But, I’d have to give the nod to either “fade to black”, Metallica; or “closer to fine”, the Indigo Girls

    Fade to Black should be obvious. It’s the lyrics, the feel of the song, etc.

    Closer to fine isn’t really about the actual lyrics, it’s about the sentiment of them, of moving through life and reaching new places and becoming. You get closer to fine by whatever path you’re on. So, when shit is real, it’s nice to have the reminder.

  • Yeah.

    Mini story.

    Back in the day, me and my best friend got on a mailing list for samples. We didn’t do it intentionally, but it ended up being pretty cool. We’d get all kinds of stuff. Some of it was shit, some was good, the way you’d expect.

    But over the years, those samples worked. Sensodyne, the toothpaste for example. Tried a sample, and since it’s as good as anything else as toothpaste, the fact that I preferred the taste more than most was enough to switch.

    But the cool shit was when they’d ask for feedback. Sometimes you’d get full sized freebies.

    One of those was the candy, take 5. A pretzel with caramel, covered in chocolate. This was before they were for sale. We tried the samples, sent in the little card, and a few weeks later got boxes in the mail full of the samples, asking us to get other people to try it. So, we did, and those people usually sent the cards that came in the box the we gave them.

    Turned out that the little number on the card was our number. So, when people sent in the cards with feedback, they knew it was us doing their marketing for them (that’s what the whole thing is, it wasn’t just them being nice). Well, another month or two passed, and we see them in stores. And we would buy them here and there, because they are insanely good, if a tad too sweet overall.

    Then, we got more boxes from them, packed with the full sized packages, plus a whole booklet of coupons, and a surprisingly nice little form letter of thanks. It ended up being something like fifty free packages, twenty free coupons plus another twenty of half price.

  • Look, I don’t want to nitpick much, or make you feel like I’m bashing you, that’s not my intent.

    The post, however, is pretty far off of reality. “Gifted” is not the same kind of thing as other neurodivergence. It simply doesn’t have a well defined criteria. The only criteria that’s used in a majority of places that use the term is IQ or other testing scores.

    Should it have the same kind of diagnostic criteria as other aspects of neurofunction? Maybe. Maybe not. There’s just not enough information on it all to tell if it really is a form of neurodivergence, or just part of neurotypical function with higher “intelligence”. I don’t speak Portuguese, so I can’t tell if that video is accurate in its information or not, but I can tell that “Gifted” as a term is not what you’ve presented in your post, not as of five years ago when my kid got placed into gifted classes and I went back looking into it and comparing it to what it was when I was a kid.

    If there’s newer definitions and criteria, it would be nice if you put them into post instead of relying on a YouTube video at all, but that’s whatever.

    I’m not saying I disagree. Every “Gifted” or “accelerated” kid I ever knew behaved differently than most people. It may well be a form of neurodivergence that isn’t just intelligence (which is a difficult thing to quantify properly in itself).

    I’m just saying that the post here doesn’t really provide anything useful to someone coming across it. There’s no meat here.

  • Radio tech is used already. But the NFL limits who can use it during games. Iirc, it’s one player on offense, and one on defense, plus the coaches. You wouldn’t really want every player having coms. It would just be a confusing mess during a game; you really don’t want your receiver hearing an offensive lineman grunting while they’re supposed to be focused on catching a ball. Radios were originally banned, and it took a decade or so for the NFL to allow them.

    Everyone already knows their job, they know the play, and they’re pro players because they have the ability to make good decisions on the field when a deviation from a called play is needed. So all you need is coms between someone on the sidelines with an outside perspective and the job of crafting the overall strategy and whoever is coordinating the team on the field. And that’s true of every team sport.

    As a player, you really don’t want to deal with the distraction of a voice in your ear while you’re trying to execute. It’s distracting enough with non radio shouting during play.

    As far as AR goes, it wouldn’t be as useful as you’d think. It’s still down to what you actually need and want to have in your senses while in play. And that’s going to be very little. You don’t want an overhead view because that splits your focus. Multitasking always comes with a decrease in effectiveness for each individual task, humans just have limits to what our brains can do.

    Even a backwards view in the corner of your eye is of limited use on average because you need your field of view clear to detect movement in your peripheral vision. It might be a benefit when on offense and running the ball, but it wouldn’t work for every player, and you’d have enough that would be reduced in their abilities that it wouldn’t be worth it.

    I really can’t think of any sport where ar would be useful where it wouldn’t also defeat the purpose of doing it. Like, archery or shooting where the ar would tell you exactly when your aim is ideal. At that point, you aren’t doing anything except pulling the trigger or drawing the bow. There’s no fun in that, no point in even doing it. Individual sports, you might benefit from coms with your coach, but having done some of those at an amateur level, radio wouldn’t be any better than just having them yell. Combat sports, the only way they would be useful is in grappling, and you don’t want anything physically in your ear when grappling at all. The risk of injury is too high. Ears already take a beating in combat sports.

    The kind of coordination you need in the military, it just isn’t beneficial in football, no matter which of the football versions that are played at a level where the gear would not be prohibitively expensive. You might see some benefit in rec leagues where the players aren’t paid to practice the way pros are, but it would be way too expensive at that level.

  • I’m kinda torn.

    On one hand, I actually fucking despise politics in non politically focused communities. It’s a personal peeve.

    But. This is one of the types of general communities where it’s not disruptive when the questions are in good faith. The reddit sub was prone to bad faith political posts. This one, so far, hasn’t been. The ones I’ve seen have mostly been genuine questions with few attempts to beat a drum. I’ve even engaged on a few, and I usually avoid politics outside of dedicated spaces.

    But damn, I do get tired of the glut of them everywhere as the election gets closer and closer. So if the mods here temporarily banned it, I would not object.

  • Welll, you have to understand that there’s no way to give a definitive answer to a what if like this. You’re asking for a prediction on something that’s highly individual, and very difficult to find research on to back up any opinion.

    Like, I’m kink friendly as hell. Anything between two consenting adults is fine by me as long as I’m not expected to be enthusiastic about it. So it isn’t uncommon for people to end up sharing (over sharing many times lol) details of the how and why of their kink with me. When people find someone that’s either open minded, or at least doesn’t judge them based only on their kink, they almost need to open up about it.

    It’s this whole thing.

    But scat? It’s so far outside my personal limits that it’s difficult to keep composure when it comes up in person, that even when I’m saying I don’t judge them based on that, my face shows my strong dislike of being pooped on. I used to be a nurse’s assistant, so I’ve been pooped on way more than is fair. It’s hard not to at least wrinkle my nose, you dig?

    Which is just me explaining how little good information on the subject of scat fetishes and fetishists there is. There aren’t a ton of published articles. Everything is essentially anecdotal. And even my anecdotes are limited, and I’ve had necrophiliacs plural open up to me about their fetish.

    That’s a long fucking disclaimer lol.

    So, my opinion? You wouldn’t see much of a shift. There’s already ways to reduce the smell of your feces, and make it worse. So the people that have a strong preference about the smell of it as relates to their kink can already have their poo cake and eat it too

    But that’s still only so useful as an opinion because while I would have to take off my pants and have a buddy standing by to count the scat fetishists I’ve listened to about their desires, the buddy wouldn’t even have to take off their shoes. Sorry about that, I’ve been waiting for the chance to use that description, and it’s perfect for this.

    The “good” news? If you hunt around and keep an open mind while being civil and non judgemental, you can find scat fetishists online with a bit of patience.

    If you’re interested, I can go into detail about what I’ve been told that leads me to have the opinion that it wouldn’t change, but it’s kinda gross to most people, so I won’t go into it without a request.

  • Unusual overall? A lot, since she’s a chicken, and they’re batshit crazy.

    But unusual for a chicken would have to be her habit of cuddling. She doesn’t do it often, but when she wants to cuddle she cuddles the hell out of you she pecks my arm until I wrap it around her, then borrows her beak into the crook of my elbow then starts her little content chuckle/purr.

    After that, there are only two rules: no touch, only cuddle. And no moving, only cuddle.

    Anything else is met with an indignant rage that can’t even be matched by a church lady at a strip club getting teabagged. There will be squawking, and you will obey, or suffer the Wrath of Marans (which rhymes with Khan, and the s is silent because it’s french).

    The Wrath of Marans is mostly just more squawking, followed by angry stomping. But it’s terrifying if you squint really hard. Okay, if you squint real hard and pretend you’ve been shrunk to the size of a particularly small mouse.

    The Wrath of Marans can also be doled out for other crimes such as; not surrendering the biscuit, not surrendering the peanuts, not surrendering the completely inedible piece of aluminum foil in your hand, or the absolute worst crime of all; Picking The Chicken Goddess Up to Prevent Her Pecking Things That Will Hurt Her. Which can be elevated to all caps as needed. Which is just the same thing with extra squawking and some growls.

    You pull the string, the pointer spins and lands on: The Chicken says BAAAAAWWWWWWK! I WILL EAT YOU, PITIFUL HUMAN!

  • As someone already linked a great video, size doesn’t matter. You can apply any testing to breasts of any size.

    Afaik, and I’ve looked into it several times over the years, size doesn’t influence tumor characteristics at all, in any way. You get variances in tumors, but that’s going to be more about how the cells behave as cells rather than the size of the breast.

    As far as how the self exam is done, the main issue is being thorough, which can be difficult with unusually large breasts, but tends to be easy enough in any sizes you can pick up a bra for at some place like Wal-Mart. One of my exes had f cups, and self exams were no problem at all.

    The process for a self exam is best described with pictures, or in video format Like this one, so I’m not going type it out when videos are easy to find :)

    But it is exactly the same for even unusually large breasts, it just takes a little longer.

    It’s also something I would recommend everyone learn how to do. As OP said, men can get cancer too, and self exams will detect it earlier. Plus, if you know how to do it, you can share that knowledge. I’ve taught women how to do a self exam because they were embarrassed to ask their doctor or nurses; they didn’t want to look “stupid” by not already knowing.

    That’s a legitimate concern, btw. Women very often get treated different than men by providers, even when it’s a female provider. Showing up and not being able to fully advocate for one’s self makes that problem worse, and the idea of showing a lack of knowledge truthfully can end up with a provider treating you different. It can happen even when the provider knows that the discrepancy exists, and tries to minimize it. The subconscious is a powerful thing.

    So, man or woman, learn how to do a self exam. Be willing to pass that knowledge on, with no jokes or comments. Be the kind of person that can be trusted to come to for that kind of thing. You might literally save a life, or at least some breasts.

    Fwiw, that goes for testicular self exam too. A lot of guys don’t do them, and tend to dislike showing ignorance as well, so they end up in the same situation. So, man or woman, learn how.

  • When they were here, it was mostly farm work. My uncle had them cleaning stuff up around his place, and they did some picking at a strawberry farm that I know of.

    In bigger towns and cities, they tend to try and busk if they can, but don’t mind doing stuff like waiting tables, dishwashing, etc in restaurants. One of the guys has done a good amount of construction over the years. I’m pretty sure they’ve also done some weed dealing here and there.

    They also do craft work and sell the stuff. Kinda junk imo, but it sells okay.

    But, when they’re in the right cities, what they really focus on is session work. Mostly bluegrass and folk, plus some standard country. From what they’ve said, a few weeks in Nashville can set them up quite well, assuming there’s enough going on that their contacts can get them working on. It isn’t necessarily something they can just roll up and be in a studio, though. They have to plan the stay ahead of time, based on there being work.

    One of the guys used to strip lol.