There’s always a few downvoters in each thread downvoting innocuous comments. Luckily the points are made up and the votes don’t matter.
There’s always a few downvoters in each thread downvoting innocuous comments. Luckily the points are made up and the votes don’t matter.
Lots of people throw the rind in stews and sauces. It adds umami. So now I gotta fish out the bay leaf and a microchip.
The boomers supported the rich and voted them in, leading to our current capitalist hellscape. Eat them all.
Maybe she should have voted for people who cared about social safety instead of assholes like Reagan who gutted it.
Oh look, boomer chickens are coming home to roost. Maybe they shouldn’t have gutted all the social safety nets for a quick buck?
I have no sympathy for them
I’m not ok with big pharma putting chips in me.
I’m totally ok with Big Parma putting chips in me so I can get more parm.
Yeah, pigs don’t like to be corrected. Or made to look like they don’t know what they’re doing.
Those plates are replaceable plus this looks cool.
When do we start being called serfs?
I’m at like b2 or c1 in spanish and I can almost never understand spoken portuguese. Written portuguese (or french or italian) I can read mostly ok but spoken portuguese sounds like someone speaking spanish with mashed potatoes in their mouth.
1, why are they growing crops in a desert?
2, why are you not regulating water usage in a desert?
Thanks, Obama.
People don’t want to bring children into this capitalistic hellscape. Color me surprised.
I grew up in farmland. I’ve seen numerous animals killed. We didn’t beat our goats before we killed them. Same with our chickens.
I was stationed in South Korea and saw them with my own eyeballs but you can believe whatever you like.
Well the dog farmers hang, burn, and beat the shit out of the dogs before they kill them because they believe the fear and adrenaline improves the taste and makes them more tender…so yes I’d say it’s worse.
Navigable by warships?
Republican controlled congress? They lead one chamber by a margin a 3 votes. Not really what I’d call control.