Title essentially. Youtube’s algorithm is hot garbage, so I can’t search for anything anymore without a ton of AI slop and rage bait. So, who do you go to for actual good long form videos? Exposes, scandals, behind the scenes, documentaries, film, travel, transit, who do you recommend I follow?
Folding Ideas is fantastic
Red letter media
I love Star Trek, but don’t want to watch the modern Alex kurtzman garbage, so they take the bullet for me.
I’m also not a movie guy, so watching their reviews/analysis while playing Minecraft is more entertaining than the movies they talk about.
Best of the worst is them watching B and direct to video movies that i wouldn’t otherwise know about.
Watch strange new worlds, Mike is rightfully dead inside after disco, but I genuinely like a majority of Strange New worlds, and generally align with Mike and Rich on most other Star Trek. I do think they praised season 3 of picard too much.
I’m hooked on Corridor Crew. They review and explain good and bad cgi/vfx in shows and movies.
Not exactly long from, but I agree they’re great!
Angela Collier for commentary on physics. She has a lot of good commentary on the field itself (see her recent Feynman video), but also good science videos… that I usually lose track of about 3/4 of the way through, but I enjoy nonetheless.
My favorite video title of all time is still “alkaline water …with lemon”
I second Angela, informative, chill and kinda funny
She did Feynman dirty.
For videogame essays, my two faves are Jacob Geller and Powerpak
My #1 go to is probably Cathode Ray Dude. He makes videos mostly on old tech which is what I’m very interested in.
If you’re more looking for exposing scandals there’s always Coffeezilla/Voidzill.
- Cutting Edge Engineering
- Martijn Doolaard
- AvE (though I’m pretty sure he’s conservative)
- Primitive Technology
- Watcheyes
- Clickspring
- Democracy Now
- Tech Ingredients
- Applied Science
- Cody’s Lab
- Fireship
- Mental Outlaw
- Tsoding
- Tsoding Daily
- CinemaStix
- Pitching Ninja
- Jeff Geerling
- Impure Pics
- Psionic Audio
- Computerphile
- The Amp Hour
- Abom79
- Tweag
- Serokell
- NixCon
- IOG Academy
- Mend It Mark
AvE (though I’m pretty sure he’s conservative)
You’re right. AvE went completely off the deep end during the height of Covid, and revealed that his being a scumbag isn’t just doing a bit for the camera.
Do you have a link to his undoing?
His knowledge of everything mechanical and electronic is pretty useful though. I’ve learned a TON from him but now I prefer Cutting Edge Engineering to scratch that kind of itch.
You can start with his video praising the “freedom convoy” shitshow plus ranting about the usual talking points re: vaccines, masks, etc. which kind of did it for me.
Honestly, I’m amazed he hasn’t deleted it from his channel by now.
Was really disappointed when that one came out… His stuff was great up to that point but now it feels… It’s got an ick now.
Good list, many hits with my list. Let me recommend “Tally Ho” and “Escape to Rural France” to you, although the latter might be too short for “long format” with 10 minutes per episode, give or take.
Great list! I would just add The Majority Report if you’re looking to learn more about politics while also trying to understand what is happening today. They do a ~2.5-hour live show every weekday which includes a quick overview of the latest headlines for today, an interview of someone with knowledge about some politics-related topic, and then an hour of mostly right wing videos that they discuss, argue with, and vent about.
I love it for how informative it is and for keeping me sane.
If you’re interested or curious about music theory (even if you don’t know much about it), I recommend Charles Cornell. Here’s one of him talking about Pure Imagination.
Wow, this is great!!
I also like 12tone but those are probably more like medium -form videos
I watch a few different channels regularly. Here are a few of my favorites
Cecilia Blomdahl lives in the Arctic Circle/northern Norway and has lots of adventures and videos her day to day life in a really interesting way.
Also some Brits who have been renovating abandoned chateaus in France called Escape the Dream and a new one called Mucky Mansion are great escapism
Brain Pilot makes some good videos recapping a few shows i enjoy
I have a few classic youtubers I still watch from back in the day Safiya Nygard and Grace Helbig, for some beauty/crazy fashion/cooking stuff
If you want a sane political/comedy channel, Trae Crowder, the Liberal Redneck is fantastic. In that same vein, Some More News does fantastic deep dives in lots of political and social issues focused mostly on the US
Living big in a tiny house is really interesting seeing cool tiny homes around the world
Takis shelter is a channel from an amazing man who runs a sanctuary for animals in Crete and is a literal saint
There are two YouTubers who make videos 4+ hours long that you have to watch every minute of:
I love Jenny, so HBomberGuy would probably be good too
My same two!
Sure but HBG is the only one who can make a viral 4 hour video.
Jenny’s last 4 hour video went more than viral, to be fair.
These two were my first thought! I’ll add that both cover a range of topics, Jenny does do a lot of videos around Star Wars, but also covers obscure films, and theme parks, wherenl HBomber runs the gamut from flat earth to vaccines to video games to plagiarism. Both are incredibly well researched and, in my opinion, offer very fair takes on the subject matter.
Folding Ideas is a favorite of mine.
For long form,
Bobby Broccoli, ~1hr videos on science scandals https://youtube.com/@bobbybroccoli
Defunctland, 30m to 1h45m videos on defunct theme parks and rides https://youtube.com/@defunctland
Your dinosaurs are wrong, 15m to 1h45m videos on comparing toy dinosaurs to the most up to date research https://youtube.com/@yourdinosaursarewrong
2nd on Drachinifel, 7m to 1h45m videos on naval History https://youtube.com/@drachinifel
Perun, 1h videos on defense economics https://youtube.com/@perunau
Diplo Strats, 2h to 6h videos on diplomacy the board game, like risk on massive steroids https://youtube.com/@diplostrats
I don’t know why I get suggestions for flat earth and anti-evolution videos but I like watching them because I learn a lot. My guess is that because of my interest in comedy videos I discovered “Patti Reviews Exotic Animals”. From there I got" Clint’s Reptiles". He is a a theist that accepts and explains evolution. I never doubted it but never took the time to learn what it was all about.
Then I get “Professor Dave Explains”. He’s fantastic. So many good science videos. So many videos where he puts an end to the dumbest ideas I’ve never even heard of. Do I need to learn how to argue with a creationist? No, but now I know how.
“Gutsick Gibbon” is awesome. Hers are on the larger side so I haven’t seen them all but she’s got great science education.
The last one I’ll mention is “Lindsay Nikole” because she’s my second favorite. If you want to know about the history of life on Earth then she’s the best. Why isn’t she my first favorite? It’s because I don’t have a favorite and I want her name to stick in you mind when you go to search youtube for things to watch. You’ll notice she has guitars on her wall and I someday I hope to get her on a music project. I write songs about bugs and need her to get on at least one of them in some way. That would be cool as fuck.
If you don’t mind me asking: what do you learn from flat earth and anti-evolution videos?
Coffeezilla for crypto exposes